Oct 11, 2019
Biomass developers are pushing for state policy changes that would allow their plants to emit more air pollution, underreport their climate impacts, and take families’ and businesses’ money while harming the health of our communities. CLF is joining Springfield residents and other local groups in fighting back.
Oct 09, 2019
Preserving the Cape’s beautiful waters is a responsibility that rests on all of us, and we will only be successful if every town and resort does their share. Every resident and visitor deserves the opportunity to enjoy the area’s bays, beaches and ponds for years to come. To preserve that opportunity, individual polluters as well as town officials must commit to stopping this dangerous pollution. We must protect our waters (and economy) for future generations.
Oct 08, 2019
Mary Lovell Egan is the Senior Program Coordinator for the Legal Food Hub. Mary was most recently employed at Harvard Business School as a project coordinator. She has spent most of her public health career at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital as a database manager and community health worker. Mary also brings great experience as a… Continue reading Mary Egan
Oct 08, 2019
Alex St. Pierre is the Director of Communities and Toxics in CLF’s Environmental Justice Program. Prior to assuming this role, Alex was a Senior Attorney on the Strategic Litigation team for several years, suing big oil companies in Federal Court. Before joining CLF, Alex was an Equal Justice Works Fellow and Staff Attorney at the… Continue reading Alexandra St. Pierre
Oct 08, 2019
This summer, 10 right whales died, including Wolverine, the great-grandson of famous right whale matriarch Kleenex. Each whale death this year means families lost mothers, fathers, siblings, and grandchildren — a family tree that’s losing branches. Calving mothers like Kleenex are crucial to the right whales’ survival.
Oct 08, 2019
We live surrounded by trash, especially single-use plastic. It’s in our homes, schools, restaurants, offices, communities, and the environment. There’s so much waste that it can be easy to miss its full scale in our lives. Manufacturers and brand owners have created this throw-away culture by mass-producing disposable goods. But when it comes time to… Continue reading Can You Slash Your Trash for One Week?
Oct 07, 2019
“Passenger growth on the Fairmount Line is surging, and it’s time the MBTA provides more frequent service,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “With more service, riders also deserve fair fares. These neighborhoods have been overlooked for too long, and the Fairmount line must become true rapid transit with affordable fares at all stations and service frequency to match.”