Nov 13, 2019

Encore Boston Harbor, bus operators could face penalties over ‘excessive idling’

“We already know that this know that this kind of pollution is terrible for our upper respiratory system for things like asthma and lung disease,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, vice president and director of CLF Massachusetts. “Encore and all these different companies have a responsibility to the communities that they’re in not to exacerbate existing public health crises.”

Nov 13, 2019

A Massachusetts Casino Is Making Air Pollution Worse

Since the Encore Boston Harbor casino opened its doors in June, residents of Everett, Chelsea, and Malden have been subjected to toxic tailpipe pollution from Encore’s branded vehicles, which consistently idle for more than 20-minute stretches near schools, parks, and homes. CLF has announced our intent to sue Encore and the companies operating its shuttle buses for their illegal idling, continuing our ongoing fight for cleaner air in our communities.

Encore bus idling
Nov 13, 2019

Encore Casino Shuttles Polluting Nearby Neighborhoods

“The casino is a brand-new neighbor, and it’s already wearing out its welcome,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “There’s no excuse for shuttle buses sitting in already-vulnerable neighborhoods pumping toxic fumes into the air. These companies must prove that they care about the health of their neighbors and put an end to this dangerous, unlawful idling immediately.”

Encore bus idling
Nov 05, 2019

A Victory for North Atlantic Right Whales

In a major win for endangered North Atlantic right whales, a federal judge ruled that gillnet fishing gear must be removed from 3,000 nautical miles of ocean waters in southern New England. Opening the areas to gillnet fishing without considering harm to right whales violated the Endangered Species Act, and the gear must be removed until the required analysis is complete.

right whale aerial shot
Nov 05, 2019

Toxic chemicals can be dumped into Merrimack River, federal and state officials say

“It’s really unconscionable that the system allows this to continue,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, also a senior attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston. “These forever chemicals enter your body, and don’t leave, and they compound. Protecting the public from these chemicals should be an urgent concern.”

Nov 04, 2019

MBTA Board Votes on Long-Term Commuter Rail Plan

“Finally, this is the bold action we’ve been waiting for from the MBTA,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The region clearly needs people to ditch their cars and get onto trains before our highways turn into parking lots. Electrifying the commuter rail, especially in communities serving environmental justice populations, will go a long way in making that a reality. Fares must also be affordable for all so that riding the rails is a cheaper alternative to getting in the car.”