Dec 27, 2019

CRWA, CLF Settle Lawsuit with EPA

“Stormwater pollution continues to wreak havoc on Massachusetts waters,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Cities and towns are responsible for reducing this pollution and many have shirked these duties for years. This new permit forces them to prioritize protecting our waters, but CLF is prepared to take legal action if these flagrant violations continue.”

Dec 27, 2019

U.S. Court of Appeals Rejects Fishermen’s Challenge to Monument

“Today’s decision is a clear victory for our oceans and for the Atlantic’s only marine national monument,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “This decision upholds protections for one of the most fragile and scientifically important areas in the North Atlantic from destructive activities like oil drilling and industrial fishing. Safeguarding the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts ensures that we are leaving a proud legacy for the people of New England.”

Dec 20, 2019

CLF Appeals Clean Water Act Ruling in Cape Cod Case

“Pollution is killing the Cape bays and beaches that resorts like Wychmere depend on,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “Instead of wasting everyone’s time and expense seeking to justify continued pollution, the resort should clean up the mess it has created in Wychmere Harbor. CLF will continue this fight against the destruction of Cape waters that belong to all of us.”

Dec 18, 2019

Overfishing of Cod Continues Unabated

Atlantic cod has been overfished for decades, but at their most recent meeting, New England’s regional fishery managers recommended new catch limits that will further harm cod’s chance of recovery. This plan, called Framework 59, ignores the law and science.

Dec 18, 2019

Climate change demands raising infrastructure standards

From Cape Ann to Cape Cod, our infrastructure is not built to withstand the increasing impacts of storm floods, high winds, and soaking rain. This fact not only affects the health and safety of our residents but will also have an enormous influence on the region’s economic competitiveness.

Dec 17, 2019

It’s Not Just The Flooding. It’s What Might Be In The Water

“As a result of those intense rains, that treatment system is being overwhelmed on a regular basis, leading to violations of their Clean Water Act permit and leaving exposure of local waters and local communities to some pretty powerful carcinogens and other toxins,” said Brad Campbell, president of the Conservation Law Foundation.

Dec 16, 2019

What Does It Mean to Use Research for Action?

We know that where you live matters for your health. Our community partners understand this firsthand because they live it every day. This past summer, the communities that participated in our Healthy Neighborhoods Study – Chelsea, Everett, Lynn, New Bedford, Fall River, Brockton, Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan – turned that research data into action by sharing the results to make a difference where they live.