Feb 18, 2020

Save on Gas by Driving an Electric Car

“I like this car because of the gas money it saves me,” says CLF Staff Attorney Elena Mihaly about her plug-in electric hybrid. Elena lives on a dirt road in Vermont and commutes 40 miles each way to the CLF office in Montpelier. To save on gas and reduce her carbon footprint, she’s leasing an electric car.

An electric vehicle can help you save on gas
Feb 18, 2020

Don’t Dissolve The MBTA’s Control Board. Empower It To Do More

Between the FMCB and the administration’s Commission on the Future of Transportation, Governor Baker has laid the groundwork for transforming the crisis-ridden MBTA into a system worthy of our world-class innovation economy and vibrant and diverse neighborhoods. Let’s empower the FMCB to get the job done.

Feb 13, 2020

Rebuild Atlantic Cod Now

Atlantic cod is in crisis. For decades, our fishery managers have failed to take effective action to stem the problem. Now, a rapidly warming ocean is making cod’s precarious position even worse. Now, CLF is calling on the federal government to follow the law and rebuild Atlantic cod. If management doesn’t improve now, we could lose our founding fish forever.

Atlantic cod
Feb 12, 2020

Research from the Ground Up

CLF’s Healthy Neighborhoods Study is powered by resident researchers, who play a key role in designing and conducting the study and in sharing it with their neighbors. Cliff Bennett, JoAnn Diaz, and Mela Miles, part of the research team on the ground in Roxbury, discuss what the survey means for their community.

Healthy Neighborhood Study resident researchers.
Feb 12, 2020

Why New England Needs More Solar Energy

From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy.

solar energy is an important part of a clean energy economy
Feb 10, 2020

Local, state officials examine recycling crisis

Over the years, Pecci said many communities in the state have gone to a single-stream recycling system. And those streams have increasingly captured items that either are not recyclable or for which there is no recycling market, such as coffee-cup lids. “What happened is we degraded the quality of the material,” Pecci said. “The cleaner and more sorted something is, the more value it is going to have.”

Feb 07, 2020

The EPA’s New Water Rule: 5 Takeaways For Massachusetts

“This rule green-lights the dumping of pesticides and toxic chemicals into our waters,” says Heather Govern, director of the Conservation Law Foundation’s clean air and water program. “Drinking water in New England is threatened by rule changes like this, because you just won’t have those same protections for smaller streams.”

Feb 04, 2020

Getting off Gas by Investing in Rooftop Solar

Since installing solar panels on their barn, Sean Mahoney and his wife have noticed a huge difference in their energy bills. They’ve also been able to reduce their carbon footprint.

rooftop solar panels on a barn in Maine
Jan 31, 2020

Erica Kyzmir-McKeon

Erica Kyzmir-McKeon is a Communities and Toxics Senior Attorney in CLF’s Environmental Justice Program. Erica first joined CLF as a Senior Fellow focused on legal food hub work. In 2019,  she became a staff attorney, dividing her time between CLF’s Clean Air & Water and Environmental Justice programs. Most recently, Erica worked as a staff… Continue reading Erica Kyzmir-McKeon

Jan 31, 2020

New England Doesn’t Need, or Want, New Gas Pipelines

Every winter the gas industry tries to scare us, claiming there isn’t enough gas during cold snaps to heat and power our homes. Their solution? More fracked gas and new, expensive gas pipelines. But we don’t have to buy into their propaganda. We have all the power we need without expensive new pipelines.

New gas pipelines are a bad deal for New England