Sep 19, 2024

Explainer: The Hidden Costs of Waste Transfer Stations

In New Bedford, Massachusetts, a proposed waste transfer station threatens to bury the community under a mountain of literal and figurative problems. But what exactly is a waste transfer station, and why should we be concerned about this expansion? Let’s take a closer look at what these facilities do, how they operate, and the real impact they can have on the neighborhoods around them.

Photo: image of garbage truck carrying waste from a dumpster into a waste transfer station or a landfill.
Sep 19, 2024

Dominique Agnew

Dominique is a Charlotte E. Ray Fellow working out of the Boston office. Dominique recently graduated from Northeastern University School of Law and holds a B.S. from Cornell University. Prior to joining the CLF Team, she completed legal internships at Earthjustice’s California Regional Office and Clean Energy Team, the District Court of the District of… Continue reading Dominique Agnew

Dominique Agnew headshot
Sep 11, 2024

5 Questions for… Denise January

Meet Denise January of Alternatives for Community and Environment, to learn more about her work and vision as a coordinator for the EJAN program: a network helping low-income residents and communities of color who face environmental challenges like air pollution and unsafe drinking water.

Group of members, pro-bono volunteers, and leaders of the Environmental Justice Assistance Network (EJAN) gathered outside on a deck with trees on the background for re-launch celebration event.
Sep 11, 2024

What Voting for the Environment Looks Like

Evaluating candidates running for office can be tricky. Especially when the environment is top of mind. Here are a few pointers to help you assess the best state, local, and national candidates.

A young woman holding a protest sign 'there is no planet b' stands in a usa voting center, symbolizing environmental activism.
Sep 10, 2024

Greyhound Buses Polluting South Boston

Greyhound’s buses have been unlawfully idling at the South Station bus terminal and at its bus lot in South Boston, releasing toxic emissions into the neighborhood.

A blue Greyhound bus parked behind a number 7 sign.