Nov 03, 2020

Syd Romo

Syd Romo is the Senior Digital Communications Associate at Conservation Law Foundation. He helps develop content and oversees CLF’s social media channels as well as email communications. Prior to joining CLF, Syd worked as a writer for Channel 7News Boston. He holds a bachelor of science in mass communication from Boston University with a focus… Continue reading Syd Romo

Oct 30, 2020

Climate Inaction Is a Horror Show in the Making

These days, the scariest monster I can conjure wears a tailored suit and sits behind the desk of a dirty oil or gas company deliberately blocking climate action. Runner up is another man in a suit – a legislator too scared to stand up to that fossil fuel executive and protect the people who voted him into office.

Climate inaction made the California wildfires much worse
Oct 30, 2020

MA Officials Must Approve At-Grade Option for I-90 Project

“It is past time for MassDOT to heed the consensus among Mayor Walsh, transportation experts, and affected neighborhoods that the all at-grade approach is the best one for Boston, for commuters, and for the river,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “The Baker Administration should start working for rather than against its own vision for the future of transportation in the Commonwealth.” 

Photo: Charles River, Boston
Oct 27, 2020

Emma Cotter

Emma Cotter is CLF’s Senior Donor Relations Coordinator. In this position, she supports the Development Department’s donor relations and events programs in providing opportunities to meaningfully connect with our members. Through working in Boston with CLF, Emma is fulfilling a lifelong dream of living in New England. She grew up in New York State and… Continue reading Emma Cotter

Oct 27, 2020

Wendy Sheu

Wendy Sheu is the Director of the Senior Fellows Program at CLF, where she helps to expand and strengthen CLF’s capacity through the implementation of a pro bono fellowship program for experienced professionals.  She recruits and supports Senior Fellows and other volunteers across all New England states with diverse professional backgrounds who contribute to a… Continue reading Wendy Sheu

Oct 26, 2020

Boston School Bus Operator Settles Clean Air Act Lawsuit

“This settlement is a major win for cleaner air in Boston communities,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Toxic tailpipe pollution threatens the health of our most vulnerable neighbors and contributes to the climate crisis. With increased training and monitoring at bus lots, Transdev will be better able to stop excessive bus idling and the spread of this harmful pollution.”

Oct 15, 2020

UPDATE: What Would Massachusetts’s Environmental Justice Laws Accomplish?

Low-income, immigrant, and communities of color experience more environmental burdens than whiter, wealthier neighborhoods. Having strong environmental justice legislation would make a significant difference in these neighborhoods, in part by simply ensuring residents have a voice in what happens in their own communities.

Playground at Chelsea Flats