Nov 22, 2020

Massachusetts Still Needs a Roadmap to Beat Climate Change

On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the Baker administration announced that Massachusetts will make reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 legally binding under the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act. However, the state’s landmark climate law still needs a clear path forward to reach that goal.

Baker supported one of the 2050 Roadmap Act goals this past Earth Day
Nov 20, 2020

HOV lane to return Monday, and a bus lane on the Tobin may soon follow

Staci Rubin, a senior attorney with CLF, also said in a statement that the measures will help ensure transit riders are prioritized when the economy kicks back into gear. “Now is the time to improve transit options and avoid the gridlock that plagued our region before the pandemic,” she said.

Nov 18, 2020

MA Officials to Reinstate I-93 HOV Lane

“Now is the time to improve transit options and avoid the gridlock that plagued our region before the pandemic,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Reinstating the HOV lane and committing to pilot bus lanes on both I-93 and the Tobin Bridge will drastically improve commute times and protect the health of overburdened communities like Chelsea and Somerville.”

Nov 17, 2020

How to Move Beyond Environmental Justice as a Trend

I grew up in communities that needed environmental justice the most. I also lived in neighborhoods that already had the resources and ability to make change. Still, I didn’t understand the difference or know what the environmental world called the movement until later in life. I could only connect the dots when I had more access to education and a framework for understanding the issue.

Protest sign reads: Listen to our voices
Nov 13, 2020

Eversource, State Plow Ahead with East Boston Substation Plans

“Three years ago this month, state energy officials totally disregarded—as ‘disruptive’—the attempts of Spanish-speaking residents to participate in a critical decision that will affect their community for decades,” said Amy Laura Cahn, Senior Attorney and Interim Director for Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice at Conservation Law Foundation, “Since that time, the EFSB has consistently failed to live up to its language access obligations under federal law. In yet another insult to this community, residents with limited access to technology will be further marginalized by a remote hearing.”

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
Nov 07, 2020

Biden Win Sets the Stage for a Greener Future, But Local Action Is Still Vital

The presidential election result is a welcome relief – especially amid the ongoing stresses of an unrelenting pandemic, hobbling economic hardship, and an overdue racial reckoning. We all deserve to take a moment and celebrate that. But even as we see the core values of our democracy vindicated after relentless voter suppression efforts, now is not the time to grow complacent.

Nov 05, 2020

Vessel Collisions Jeopardize Survival of North Atlantic Right Whales

Scientists estimate that little more than 350 whales are left on the planet – a shockingly low number. It is our activities in the ocean – fishing, shipping, drilling, construction – that threaten the survival of this species. In the last three years, vessel strikes, in particular, have caused about half of the known or suspected deaths of right whales in the U.S. and Canada.

Injured north Atlantic right whale #4150 bears deep scars from propeller strike, last seen in 2019.