Dec 29, 2021

HealthScore Metrics

HealthScore is a screening tool that offers a holistic and actionable vision for healthy, inclusive, and sustainable housing and mixed-use development. CLF uses HealthScore to understand neighborhood context and screen potential investments for its Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund.  Our scorecard is a model for how to measure and track the ways that real estate development… Continue reading HealthScore Metrics

CLF HealthScore
Dec 27, 2021

The Promise and Potential of Urban Agriculture

When combined with traditional local agriculture, urban agriculture provides a unique opportunity to build and strengthen a robust local food system. This is especially true here in New England, where interest in local food is booming, but easy and affordable access to it is still limited, especially for low-income urban residents.

Dec 22, 2021

Judge Denies ExxonMobil’s Attempts to Delay Climate Lawsuit

“Judge Wolf saw right through Exxon’s attempts to further delay this case,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The longer this case goes on, the greater chance of a major storm exposing just how vulnerable this facility is, which would be catastrophic for surrounding neighborhoods and for Boston Harbor. This was yet another desperate attempt by Exxon to hide what it knows about the climate crisis.”

Dec 22, 2021

Report: MBTA Delays Hampering Access to Jobs in Eastern Mass.

“Public transportation offers a lifeline, especially for communities with few other options,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “The chronic, frequent delays on the MBTA are thwarting economic growth in the region, and communities of color and low-income communities are bearing the brunt. It’s clear that the status quo is broken, and the MBTA must step up and create a system that works for all riders, not just wealthy ones.”

MBTA Red Line Delays
Dec 22, 2021

Riding Toward Opportunities: Communities Need Better MBTA Service to Access Jobs

Chronic delays have become the norm for riders of public transit in the Greater Boston area. But these delays hurt some people more than others. Our report shows that chronic delays reduce access to job opportunities for communities of color, low-income communities, and limited-English proficient residents at a far higher rate than for wealthier and… Continue reading Riding Toward Opportunities: Communities Need Better MBTA Service to Access Jobs

CLF Transit Access Study
Dec 20, 2021

CLF to Sue Schnitzer Steel for Polluting Rivers

“Harmful pollution from Schnitzer’s properties is contaminating precious waters used for drinking and recreation,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “This billion-dollar company needs to comply with federal law and properly manage its stormwater runoff. Our waters deserve better.”

Environmental racism contributes to inequality
Dec 10, 2021

Anxhela Mile

Anxhela (Angela) Mile is a staff attorney in the Clean Energy and Climate Change and Environmental Justice Programs. She focuses on reducing carbon emissions in a just manner and ensuring Massachusetts reaches its climate targets by working alongside community groups to improve energy efficiency, permitting and siting of renewable energy facilities, and eliminating polluting plants.… Continue reading Anxhela Mile

Dec 09, 2021

16 Zero Waste Gifts for Your Loved Ones this Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful (and wasteful) time of the year! As retailers bombard your inbox this holiday season, we challenge you to think outside the box – literally. To help you out, we’ve crafted a list of our top Zero Waste gifts to give this year.

Zero Waste gifts wrapped in cloth