Stop and Compare
Find out how CLF’s Healthy Retail and Commerce Fund helped Stop and Compare, a Latinx, family-owned supermarket business that offers high quality and diverse foods at affordable prices.

Find out how CLF’s Healthy Retail and Commerce Fund helped Stop and Compare, a Latinx, family-owned supermarket business that offers high quality and diverse foods at affordable prices.
“Idling vehicles spread toxic tailpipe pollution into some of Boston’s most vulnerable neighborhoods – communities already overburdened with harmful emissions and asthma,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “CLF’s settlement with Paul Revere will promote a healthier Roxbury by reducing excessive idling and by supporting urban farming and green spaces.”
Despite the clear and present dangers their oil storage facilities pose, including to communities here in New England, Big Oil has failed to invest in measures to safeguard them from sea level rise and increasingly powerful and frequent storms – climate harms their polluting products have caused. Indeed, they haven’t even taken the required steps… Continue reading Conservation Matters: Spring 2022
As nearly every New England state has instituted mandatory cuts to climate-damaging pollution, the term “net zero by 2050” has popped up a lot. What does it even mean?
It’s a historic day in Massachusetts: For the first time since 1987, there’s a new subway branch on the MBTA train tracks. The Green Line extension has finally been extended into Somerville and is running trains to the city’s Union Square neighborhood. Trains on the Medford branch will begin in a few month.
“It’s hard to overstate how significant and historic this day is,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “The long-delayed Green Line extension will finally unlock transportation access for thousands of people who previously had few options to get to work, school, or necessary appointments. While we celebrate today, it’s important to note that the work isn’t done, and we’ll continue to push for environmental review of the extension of the Medford branch to Route 16.”
“In the face of the climate crisis, gas companies are wasting precious time in attempting to keep their outdated business model going,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The simple fact is that there’s no such thing as climate-friendly renewable gas and burning gas in homes is not compatible with the clean energy future that Massachusetts law demands. Our state leaders must begin planning for a transition away from gas, and that should begin with an unbiased look at what will actually solve the climate crisis.”
A typical trip to the store means leaving with more than I came for. Why? Because everything is needlessly wrapped in layers and layers of packaging. We can and must hold companies responsible for the waste they create. And we can do that through a modern Producer Responsibility for Packaging Law.
“We Are All Whalers” is Dr. Moore’s latest endeavor to advocate for North Atlantic right whales. The book shines a light on how our actions as consumers make all of us whalers. But if we act now, we change that.
Climate laws create mandatory targets to slash polluting emissions – and we’re continuing to advocate for them throughout 2022.