May 09, 2022

Big Oil on Trial

CLF is taking the oil giants to court in partnership with residents from the Everett, Providence, New Haven, and Quincy communities they’re harming. These lawsuits are the first of their kind, suing Big Oil companies for climate risks and pollution under the Clean Water Act and hazardous waste law.

Allens Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island
Apr 28, 2022

CLF Sues Mass. Water Resources Authority

“MWRA plays a vital role in keeping our local waters clean and safe, but we’ve uncovered significant problems in how it responds to unsafe levels of pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “When the agency doesn’t do its job, sewage loaded with toxic industrial pollution threatens the decades of progress we’ve made in cleaning up Boston Harbor.”

Apr 13, 2022

Global Plastic Treaty Can be a Bold Step in Turning Off the Plastic Tap

For too long, the world has treated plastic as a waste disposal problem. But plastic pollutes from the moment we extract fossil fuels from the ground. To truly tackle this crisis, we need to stop plastic production at its source. And the UN plastic treaty can do just that – on a global scale.

globe in plastic packaging
Apr 08, 2022

Community Servings

Learn how CLF’s Healthy Retail and Commerce Fund helped support Community Servings and the impact they expect to see on community, health and the environment.
