May 17, 2016

Conservation Law Foundation plans lawsuit against Exxon Mobil over Everett terminal

… The Conservation Law Foundation is preparing a lawsuit against Exxon Mobil Corp., one of the world’s largest companies, because of pollutants that the environmental group claims are leaking out of the company’s Everett terminal. The Boston-based organization took the legal step of serving notice on the Texas-based energy giant Tuesday that it will sue… Continue reading Conservation Law Foundation plans lawsuit against Exxon Mobil over Everett terminal

Apr 12, 2016

MBTA considers earlier trips on some bus routes

… Rafael Mares, a vice president at the Conservation Law Foundation, said he worries that would inconvenience the riders who need the service most. “They could at least dull the impact on the populations that have been impacted disproportionately here,” he said. … Read more here…