Jun 29, 2016

Future MBTA Fare Hikes Would be Limited to 7 Percent Under Proposed State Budget

… Rafael Mares, a transit advocate and vice president for the Conservation Law Foundation who urged the T to limit the increases to 5 percent, celebrated the agreement as “a significant victory.” “We will not give up on the ultimate goal of 5 percent, which more closely tracks inflation, but this is a huge improvement,”… Continue reading Future MBTA Fare Hikes Would be Limited to 7 Percent Under Proposed State Budget

Jun 29, 2016

Senate Energy Debate Could Get Heated

… The issue of whether electric ratepayers can be assessed to finance natural gas infrastructure is currently before the Supreme Judicial Court. The Conservation Law Foundation argues existing law doesn’t allow it, while the Baker administration’s Department of Public Utilities says the law does. Read more here…

Jun 21, 2016

Massachusetts to Seek Water Permitting Authority

… However, the Conservation Law Foundation and its partner organizations oppose this delegation of authority to Massachusetts without adequate funding and without being able to explain the benefits the state is claiming will come from oversight of the program, said Caitlin Peale Sloan, a Conservation Law Foundation staff attorney. “We’ve already seen over the last… Continue reading Massachusetts to Seek Water Permitting Authority

May 19, 2016

Children Win Another Climate Change Legal Case In Mass Supreme Court

… In another surprising victory for children suing the government over climate change, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court last Friday found in favor of four youth plaintiffs against the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Read more here…

May 18, 2016

SJC sides with teens in global warming fight

… The students were joined by the Mass Energy Consumers Alliance and lawyers from the Conservation Law Foundation. They argued that the state misinterpreted the Global Warming Solutions Act — a 2008 state law that requires a 25-percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and an 80-percent 
reduction by 2050. Read more here…

May 17, 2016

Massachusetts Environmental Advocacy Group Sues ExxonMobil

… A Massachusetts environmental advocacy group is suing ExxonMobil for what it calls “a decades-long campaign to discredit climate change.” Conservation Law Foundation President Brad Campbell said Tuesday the company’s strategy of publicly denying the risks that its own scientists have known about for decades has harmed local communities, including neighborhoods near its Everett facility. Read… Continue reading Massachusetts Environmental Advocacy Group Sues ExxonMobil

May 17, 2016

Mass. High Court Says State Hasn’t Met Obligations On Greenhouse Gas Emissions

… In the case, the Conservation Law Foundation, the Massachusetts Energy Consumer Alliance and four teenage plaintiffs had argued that the state Department of Environmental Protection failed to enforce the 2008 law, which established a goal of reducing emissions by 25 percent by 2020. Read more here…

May 17, 2016

Local Environmentalists Vs. ExxonMobil

… Environmentalists take on ExxonMobil in Massachusetts, beginning litigation charging the petroleum giant with intentionally hiding what they’ve known about the science of climate change for years and years. Conservation Law Foundation President Bradley Campbell (@bradleycampbell) and Mystic River Watershed Association President EK Khalsa are fighting to prove ExxonMobil has knowingly operated their Everett, MA facility in a manner which contradicts safe and proper environmental practices,… Continue reading Local Environmentalists Vs. ExxonMobil

May 17, 2016

Court: Massachusetts Failed to Adopt Greenhouse Gas Limits

… The state’s highest court on Tuesday reversed a lower court ruling and sided with environmental groups that sued Massachusetts for failing to adopt strict limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Lawyers for the Conservation Law Foundation, the Massachusetts Energy Consumer Alliance and four Boston and Wellesley teenagers had asked the courts to rule that the state hasn’t… Continue reading Court: Massachusetts Failed to Adopt Greenhouse Gas Limits

May 17, 2016

Conservation Law Foundation plans lawsuit against Exxon Mobil over Everett terminal

… The Conservation Law Foundation is preparing a lawsuit against Exxon Mobil Corp., one of the world’s largest companies, because of pollutants that the environmental group claims are leaking out of the company’s Everett terminal. The Boston-based organization took the legal step of serving notice on the Texas-based energy giant Tuesday that it will sue… Continue reading Conservation Law Foundation plans lawsuit against Exxon Mobil over Everett terminal