Apr 22, 2017

Conservation Matters Spring 2017

Talking Trash CLF Launches Zero-Waste Project to Tackle Massachusetts’s Trash Problem Getting Smart about Energy Energy Efficiency Under Fire in Maine Why I Give Rebecca LaRocque Five Questions For… Rebekah Weber, Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

Apr 20, 2017

Is a City Playground Protected Land? Massachusetts Supreme Court to Decide

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court is deliberating a case with significant implications for playgrounds, parks, and other open space across the state. The decision before them is whether Westfield’s John A. Sullivan Memorial Playground, also known as the Cross Street Playground, is constitutionally protected land that cannot be converted to other purposes without a two-thirds vote… Continue reading Is a City Playground Protected Land? Massachusetts Supreme Court to Decide

Apr 12, 2017

CLF and New England Battle Back as President Trump Attacks U.S. Climate Progress

On March 28th, President Trump signed an executive order that launched a full-scale attack on our national progress in protecting public health and the environment from dangerous climate change. The so-called Energy Independence Order asks EPA to reconsider the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever federal rule designed to reduce climate-warming emissions from power plants, as… Continue reading CLF and New England Battle Back as President Trump Attacks U.S. Climate Progress

Clean Power Plan Gets Its Day in Court
Mar 17, 2017

Trump Administration Takes a Treacherous U-Turn on Clean Car Standards

On Wednesday, President Trump took the first step toward rolling back emissions standards for new cars and trucks in model years 2022–2025. These important federal standards set fuel economy (miles per gallon, or “MPG”) requirements that save you money at the pump and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. They also reduce dangerous climate emissions… Continue reading Trump Administration Takes a Treacherous U-Turn on Clean Car Standards

Mar 09, 2017

Massachusetts Proposal to Ratchet Down Climate Pollution Not Good Enough

Proposed regulations by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to ratchet down climate-damaging emissions fall dramatically short of what’s needed and legally required – adding up to only about 70,000 tons of emissions, not the 5 million tons we need to reach a 2020 goal.

Mar 08, 2017

Baker Administration Takes Steps to Weaken Water Protections

“EPA’s permitting program has for decades provided important protections for our water,” said CLF attorney Caitlin Peale Sloan. “Proposing inadequate funding from an already-strapped environmental protection budget in order to create a weak program demonstrates a real lack of understanding on behalf of our state leaders. While we certainly have reason to be wary about EPA’s continued ability to perform in the coming years, we cannot allow these near-term fears to push us into making a dangerous, long-term change. Massachusetts legislators should reject the proposal in its current form, and CLF welcomes the opportunity to work with the Baker Administration in finding a solution that actually provides continued protection for our natural resources.”