Oct 30, 2023

Limited and Careful Use: The Role of Bioenergy in New England’s Clean Energy Future

As the conversation around our clean energy future progresses, new fuels have entered the field that are purportedly “renewable” and “clean.” These fuels are often called “bioenergy” because they are produced from natural resources and waste. Policymakers are contending with what role these new fuels play in slowing climate change.  CLF answers this question in… Continue reading Limited and Careful Use: The Role of Bioenergy in New England’s Clean Energy Future

Limited and Careful Use: The Role of Bioenergy in New England's CleaN Energy Future
Oct 25, 2023

Mass. Climate Chief Issues Recommendations for Confronting Climate Crisis

Melissa Hoffer has released a report outlining recommendations for the Healey Administration’s agenda to tackle the climate crisis. Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) released the following statement in response.

“The climate crisis is impacting every community in Massachusetts, and we wasted valuable years under the prior administration waiting for firm commitments and real action on the ground,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The Climate Chief’s report underscores the vast challenges facing the Commonwealth in this fight as well as the opportunities for climate solutions that work for all our residents. It’s time to get to work.”

The Massachusetts State House
Oct 19, 2023

Green Line Extension Issues Far Worse Than Previously Known

“This level of dysfunction and irresponsibility defies explanation,” said CLF attorney Seth Gadbois. “The previous administration was clearly more interested in cutting a ribbon than getting this project done safely and correctly. CLF sued to ensure that this extension was built, and this is now an opportunity for the Healey administration to commit to public transit and repair public trust.”

MBTA Green Line
Sep 20, 2023

Seth Gadbois

Seth Gadbois (they/he) is a Clean Transportation Staff Attorney working in transportation as it relates to Environmental Justice and Clean Energy & Climate Change. Prior to re-joining CLF (after being an intern in Spring 2020), Seth practiced as a public defender in their hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. Seth fell in love with Boston as a… Continue reading Seth Gadbois

Sep 18, 2023

Gov. Healey Bans State Agencies from Purchasing Single-Use Plastic Bottles

“Single-use plastics are a scourge on our environment and our communities,” said CLF zero waste attorney Mara Shulman. “These products hasten the climate crisis and endanger the health of people and wildlife. Governor Healey’s ban is a great  step towards making Massachusetts a leader in fighting the plastics crisis.”

Pile of Plastic Bottles