Jan 04, 2018

Creating Healthy, Thriving Neighborhoods in Massachusetts

We need more, better, and equitable housing choices, more vibrant, walkable downtowns, and healthy communities that protect us from climate change. We need development rules for a new generation. The Great Neighborhoods bill is a major step in the right direction.

Jan 04, 2018

Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

[Update: On Jan. 4, 2018, the Trump administration announced a new five-year plan that would open up most U.S. continental shelf waters, including protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic, to oil and gas drilling. CLF joined 63 other groups in opposing this plan. Read the full joint statement here.] Over the past year, we’ve… Continue reading Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

Northeast Ocean Plan
Dec 20, 2017

CLF Healthy Neighborhood Work Gets Massive Boost

“From addressing air pollution, to improving public transit, to building sustainable food systems and more, community health is the cornerstone of everything CLF does,” said CLF president Bradley Campbell. “New research collected on-the-ground has enabled us to chart a course for transformational change in Boston and other urban centers across Massachusetts tailored to the unique needs of each community. Thanks to this generous grant from RWJF, this proven model will be expanded and replicated nationally.”

Dec 15, 2017

Massachusetts Gives Huge Handout of Public Land to Private Developer

“This is quite possibly the worst decision ever made on who has access to our public tidelands and waterfront,” said CLF senior counsel Peter Shelley. “And it now sets a precedent for even worse privatization of public tidelands in the future.  It comes at a time when the public is justifiably upset that wealthy developers and luxury condominiums are walling off Boston Harbor from the people who paid to clean it up and make it attractive in the first place — the people of Massachusetts.”

Dec 12, 2017

Northern Pass Tries (and Fails) to Remain Relevant in Changing Energy Landscape

The Northern Pass transmission project proposes to bring electricity generated from Canadian dams to southern New England. But it will come at a tremendous cost to New Hampshire through the damage it would do to the environment and communities along its 192-mile path. Granite Staters have opposed the project since it was first rolled out… Continue reading Northern Pass Tries (and Fails) to Remain Relevant in Changing Energy Landscape

transmission lines
Nov 29, 2017

Boston City Council Votes Unanimously To Ban Plastic Bags

… The Massachusetts-based Conservation Law Foundation, in its own statement, praised the ordinance while shifting attention to the noticeable silence on the matter that has come from the Mayor’s Office in recent days. “We are optimistic that Mayor Walsh will follow the lead of 59 other Massachusetts cities and towns,” the statement noted, “and sign… Continue reading Boston City Council Votes Unanimously To Ban Plastic Bags

Nov 29, 2017

City of Boston Bans Single-Use Plastic Bags

“More than 350 million single-use plastic bags hit the streets of Boston this year alone, most of which end up filling our landfills, littering our communities, and polluting our air when burned up in incinerators,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of CLF’s Zero Waste Project. “This new ordinance protects the health of our neighborhoods and our environment, while at the same time easing the burden on taxpayers and saving local retailers millions. We are optimistic that Mayor Walsh will follow the lead of 59 other Massachusetts cities and towns and sign this ordinance into law.”