May 09, 2018

CLF Files Appeal to Stop Expansion of Ash Landfill

“The Wheelabrator landfill is the most dangerous in Massachusetts, and it is putting the health of nearby residents at risk,” said Kirstie Pecci, director of the Zero Waste Project and a Senior Fellow at CLF.

Wheelabrator Power Plant Photo
May 09, 2018

Public Concerns Ignored in Approval of Massive Landfill Expansion

Update May 9, 2018: Conservation Law Foundation has filed an appeal to stop the expansion of the Wheelabrator Saugus ash landfill. When the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) this week gave its final okay for an ash landfill in Saugus to expand, it signaled that polluting our communities and our environment is perfectly fine… Continue reading Public Concerns Ignored in Approval of Massive Landfill Expansion

Wheelabrator Power Plant Photo
May 02, 2018

New Home Energy Audit Bill Has Right Idea But Wrong Funding

This week, CLF joined with a host of partner organizations to lend support for Governor Charlie Baker’s home energy scorecard program.The program, outlined in H. 4371, An Act relative to consumer access to residential energy information, would require homeowners to undertake a home energy audit and include a home energy scorecard when they sell their… Continue reading New Home Energy Audit Bill Has Right Idea But Wrong Funding

May 02, 2018

Fisheries Managers Fail to Protect Our Ocean (Again)

After 14 years of development, a newly approved plan for managing New England’s fisheries should have prioritized protection of important ocean habitats and improved the long-term well-being of our fishing economy. Instead, in a short-sighted decision, fishery managers put fragile habitats and overfished species at even greater risk than they are today.

Kelp Forest and Red Cod
Apr 26, 2018

An Illustrated History of North Atlantic Right Whales

North Atlantic right whales could be extinct by 2040 if we don’t act quickly. Once a common target for whalers, the population now faces new and increasing threats from ship strikes and fishing gear. We need all hands on deck to save our right whales.

Apr 26, 2018

Governor, move more quickly on offshore wind

Offshore wind power is on track to be a pillar of America’s energy future – and now is our moment to establish a clear leading role for the Commonwealth in making it happen.

Apr 25, 2018

Logan Airport to study transit link to terminals and MBTA station

Under an agreement with the Conservation Law Foundation, Massport is obligated to increase the number of Logan passengers who arrive in some form of high-occupancy vehicle to 40 percent by 2027. The people-mover proposal is unrelated to that agreement, but CLF vice president Rafael Mares said if enacted, it could help Logan meet or even exceed that goal.

Apr 23, 2018

Trump likes coal, but that doesn’t mean he’s hostile to wind

Offshore wind can help reduce carbon emissions, but it’s critical to ensure they don’t harm underwater ecosystems, especially the endangered North Atlantic right whale, said Sean Mahoney, executive vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation.

Apr 23, 2018

Will a transmission line run through the wilds of Maine?

Greg Cunningham, director of the clean energy program at the Conservation Law Foundation, said he wants proof. He noted that Hydro-Québec also exports power to New Brunswick, Ontario, and New York, and has refused requests to disclose how much power its reservoirs and dams can produce, making it difficult to assess the company’s claims.