Jul 12, 2018

Helping Farmers and Food Businesses Navigate New Opportunities

Scott Soares has seen the opportunities and challenges facing New England’s farmers and food businesses firsthand. He served as Massachusetts’s first aquaculture coordinator in 1996 and was later appointed state agriculture commissioner by Deval Patrick. In 2012, he became executive director of the Cranberry Marketing Committee, which gave him inside look at the branding and… Continue reading Helping Farmers and Food Businesses Navigate New Opportunities

Jul 12, 2018

CLF Continues Fight Against Unlawful Boston Waterfront Plan

“This plan unlawfully puts the interests of developers ahead of the public’s rights on the waterfront,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Approval of this plan not only violates decades-old laws governing the waterfront, but also sets a dangerous precedent by signaling to developers that they can buy their way out of rules that have balanced public and private development interests for years. The state must stop disregarding the public’s rights when it comes to waterfront development.”

Jul 11, 2018

Time to Revamp New England’s Groundfish Monitoring Program

New England’s cod and other groundfish populations have plummeted to historic lows because of decades of overfishing. Our current system of monitoring isn’t bringing back accurate data, and a new amendment is an opportunity to improve it.

Jul 10, 2018

Department of Public Health Issues Fish Advisory for the Lower Mystic River Area

“Without clear information about what is safe to eat, people in the Lower Mystic River Watershed area are at risk,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, vice president and director of CLF Massachusetts. “The advisory will ensure that people have the information needed to safely fish in the area. This kind of public-nonprofit collaboration should be a model for working on important environmental issues.”

Jul 10, 2018

Massachusetts Traffic and Pollution Likely to Worsen as Self-Driving Vehicles Hit the Road

“Self-driving vehicles have the potential to drastically change the way we travel,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “We have an opportunity to prevent traffic nightmares and negative environmental impacts by enacting smart policies ahead of time. As the study illustrates, we can’t afford to wait.”

Jun 29, 2018

Trump Prioritizes Exploitation Over the Environment (Again)

In an executive order, Trump revoked the nearly decade old National Ocean Policy established by President Obama in 2010, stripping our nation of its policy of ocean stewardship and replacing it with one of maximum ocean exploitation..

Jun 27, 2018

How to Track North Atlantic Right Whales from the Comfort of Your Home

North Atlantic right whales are on the brink of extinction. So few are left that your chances of spotting one in the wild are slim, but thanks to technology, you can track the latest intel on New England’s native whales, including up-to-the minute sighting information.