Jul 31, 2023

Modernized Recycling Program Becomes Law in Maine

“Single-use containers are a scourge on our communities and our environment,” said Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Bottle and can redemption systems are a proven way to reduce plastic pollution and make sure that these materials are recycled into new products. Maine’s updated law will revitalize the state’s most successful recycling program, and ultimately result in a cleaner environment and less litter for our communities.”

Pile of Plastic Bottles
Jul 31, 2023

5 Questions for Kate Sinding Daly

CLF’s new senior vice president of law and policy is a veteran environmental advocate primed to oversee the organization’s advocacy efforts across New England.

Kate Sinding Daly, CLF Senior Vice President of Law and Policy
Jul 20, 2023

Maine Creating New Rules for Clean Cars and Trucks

“Harmful emissions from gas-powered cars and trucks are driving the climate crisis and polluting the air in our communities,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President of Clean Energy and Climate Change at CLF. “In creating these new rules, the state has an opportunity to tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for families in Maine. But the draft released today doesn’t go far enough, and we’ll be pushing officials to ensure 100% of cars and passenger trucks sold are electric by 2035.”

A row of gray electric cars being charged at charging stations.