Apr 10, 2018
“Legislators loyal to the LePage ideology failed us by allowing the Governor and the PUC to unnecessarily raise electricity costs for all Mainers, while depriving us of the right to fairly produce and consume our own solar power,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “Solar power is good for Maine, and leaders who block its progress are doing so at the expense of individuals, families, and local businesses. Fortunately, the legislature’s failure today is not the last word on the PUC’s regressive, harmful rule, because we have taken this fight to the state’s highest court and anticipate a decision soon.”
Apr 10, 2018
Northern Pass received two major blows in March, knocking it fully out of contention as the energy winner in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth, which initially selected the proposed transmission line for a lucrative clean energy contract in January, severed ties and announced on March 28 that it is moving on to a different project. Just two… Continue reading New England Closes the Door on Northern Pass
Apr 02, 2018
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced its plans to reverse the nation’s landmark clean car standards. The impacts of weakening the standards will be widespread and severe, and will include raising costs for American families and businesses on gas, while dirtying the air that we breathe and harming the health of our families and… Continue reading EPA’s Roll Back of Clean Car Standards Will Cost Americans
Mar 31, 2018
“Strong solar policy helps create jobs, protects our environment, and lowers energy bills. By vetoing the solar bill, the Governor is taking money out of the wallets of hardworking Mainers and threatening our energy independence,” said Emily Green, CLF Staff Attorney. “Our legislators must stand by the people they serve, and shut down the Governor’s irrational attempt to sabotage Maine’s clean energy future.”
Mar 28, 2018
“Taking Northern Pass off the table is the right call for Massachusetts and New Hampshire,” said Greg Cunningham, VP and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Having been rejected now by two states, the writing is on the wall for Northern Pass – Eversource should pull its plug once and for all.”
Mar 19, 2018
… “In New England, like California, we are past the point where more gas can help us,” said David Ismay, a senior attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation, which is fighting new gas plants in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Massachusetts, the region’s most populous state, wants 40% of its power from clean- energy resources by… Continue reading Natural Gas Under Assault in Some States After Brief Reign at the Top
Mar 14, 2018
With help from CLF’s Legal Food Hub, a group of Somali Bantu farmers and chefs are opening a new farm-to-table restaurant in Lewiston, Maine.
Mar 07, 2018
The regional grid operator ISO-New England‘s long-awaited Operational Fuel-Security Analysis shows that more renewables, not more gas, will keep New England’s electric power system reliable – especially during winter cold-snaps. That supports what CLF, and the markets, have been saying now for several years – New England doesn’t need more gas-fired power plants or expensive… Continue reading Study Proves Clean Energy Can Power New England’s Future
Mar 07, 2018
Eversource’s controversial Northern Pass transmission line is inching closer to its apparent demise after the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee voted during public deliberations last month to deny it a permit to build. Now, a new project, New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC), has emerged as its likely successor to win a lucrative contract to… Continue reading Massachusetts Regulators Turn to New Project to Deliver Clean Energy
Mar 06, 2018
“The House should be commended for representing the interests of Mainers who deserve a clean energy future,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “Now our leaders must show courage and conviction in the face of a Governor who wants to sabotage Maine’s energy independence. We cannot risk the jobs and affordable energy that this bill will bring by allowing LePage to ignore the will of Mainers in favor of lining the pockets of big utilities.”