Dec 05, 2017

With court case looming, Maine regulators delay changes to solar power credit system

… “The takeaway is that the PUC is realizing that this kind of Frankenstein that they’ve created is a lot more difficult to implement than they would have thought, and raises a whole host of policy and fairness issues, never mind technical issues,” said Sean Mahoney, executive vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation. “But… Continue reading With court case looming, Maine regulators delay changes to solar power credit system

Dec 05, 2017

Solar advocates get reprieve from controversial rule in advance of lawsuit ruling

Maine’s rooftop solar installers won a four-month reprieve Tuesday when the Maine Public Utilities Commission voted to delay implementation of a rule on how people who install new systems next year will be compensated for electricity they feed into the grid. … Led by the Conservation Law Foundation, clean-energy advocates are challenging the PUC’s net-energy… Continue reading Solar advocates get reprieve from controversial rule in advance of lawsuit ruling

Dec 05, 2017

Maine Delays Disastrous Anti-Solar Rule

“This senseless rule jeopardizes the growth of clean, local solar energy in Maine,” said CLF Maine Director Sean Mahoney. “Today the PUC pulled back to avoid an inevitable catastrophe. But delaying implementation doesn’t fix the fact that this rule hurts businesses and families, hampers our energy independence, and harms one of the fastest growing sectors of Maine’s economy. We need to eliminate this disastrous policy, not just procrastinate its implementation.”

Nov 08, 2017

One Year Down: Fighting Back and Fighting On for New England

We’re not giving in. Yes, approaching a year after President’s Trump’s election, he seems intent on undermining decades of work to protect public health and the environment and fostering an ideology that denies and denigrates the basic facts of science. But we’ve been here before. In the 1970s, oil companies were intent on drilling for… Continue reading One Year Down: Fighting Back and Fighting On for New England

Photo: Shutterstock
Nov 06, 2017

A Rallying Cry for Clean Water

We are faced with a federal administration that wants not only to halt decades of hard-fought progress on clean water but reverse them altogether. But today, the impacts on our public health from blue-green algae outbreaks and chemical pollution are as serious and urgent as ever. We cannot and will not stop fighting for clean water as a fundamental right for all Americans.