Jul 26, 2018
For almost as long as he has been in office, President Trump has led an attack on our public lands and waters, trying to reverse protections for our most special places. But the truth is out: New documents show that Trump administration officials agree that the case for rolling back protections for our national monuments… Continue reading No Reason to Eliminate Protections for National Monuments
Jul 26, 2018
The prosperity of future generations of New Englanders depends on the health of our waters and marine resources and the public’s ability to access them.
Jul 23, 2018
All landfills leak – some over time and some from day one of operation – leaching toxic chemicals into the ground and the water supply. Despite state and federal regulation, landfills are harming the health and environment of communities in New England.
Jul 20, 2018
Nutrient pollution impacts waterways across New England, from Lake Champlain to Narragansett Bay. These waters all carry excess levels of nitrogen or phosphorous – a problem caused by fertilizer running off of farms and lawns and animal waste from confined animal feeding operations. Another major cause is human sewage improperly treated by septic systems or overflowed… Continue reading 10 Things You Can Do to Help Protect Our Waters
Jul 17, 2018
Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But our technology has evolved since then. Clean, renewable energy from solar panels and wind turbines is available right where we live. But we need a smarter, more modern grid to make the most of it.
Jul 12, 2018
Scott Soares has seen the opportunities and challenges facing New England’s farmers and food businesses firsthand. He served as Massachusetts’s first aquaculture coordinator in 1996 and was later appointed state agriculture commissioner by Deval Patrick. In 2012, he became executive director of the Cranberry Marketing Committee, which gave him inside look at the branding and… Continue reading Helping Farmers and Food Businesses Navigate New Opportunities
Jul 12, 2018
Right now, the United States has some of the best-managed fisheries in the world. But a bill that just passed the House of Representatives is putting that at risk. Many fishing communities in New England and across the country currently have the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) to thank for their economic health.… Continue reading Federal Fisheries Bill Undermines the Health of Our Oceans
Jul 11, 2018
New England’s cod and other groundfish populations have plummeted to historic lows because of decades of overfishing. Our current system of monitoring isn’t bringing back accurate data, and a new amendment is an opportunity to improve it.
Jul 09, 2018
It’s finally summer in Maine – and that means lots of opportunities to get outside and enjoy everything from whale watching, to fishing, to visiting our local farmers’ markets. CLF works every day to protect the things we all love about these long, hot days in Vacationland – not only because of the opportunities for… Continue reading Summer in Maine, Thanks to CLF
Jun 29, 2018
In an executive order, Trump revoked the nearly decade old National Ocean Policy established by President Obama in 2010, stripping our nation of its policy of ocean stewardship and replacing it with one of maximum ocean exploitation..