Apr 11, 2019
“It is imperative that we act now to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions if we are to have any hope of avoiding the most catastrophic impacts of climate change,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President and Director of CLF Maine. “Replacing energy from polluting fracked gas plants with hydropower will reduce emissions at the scale necessary to make a difference in New England.”
Apr 04, 2019
Seven new North Atlantic right whale calves are migrating with their mothers and other whales back up the east cost into New England and Canadian waters. But this journey is full of threats: ship strikes, noise pollution, and entanglement in fishing gear all threaten their survival. We must work to make our oceans a safe and welcoming place for right whales.
Apr 02, 2019
“Mainers have a right to affordable, clean energy,” said Emily Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “Strong solar policy helps create jobs, protects our environment, and can lower our energy bills. This bill puts the interests of residents and businesses first, and clears the way for Maine’s clean energy future.”
Mar 29, 2019
In a move welcomed by advocates for safe and clean drinking water, Governor Janet Mills has established a task force to assess the scope of PFAS exposure and contamination in Maine.
Mar 28, 2019
This underwater mountain range faces mounting threats.
Mar 28, 2019
Since Sean Mahoney, CLF’s Executive Vice President, and his wife put a rooftop solar panel system on their barn, they’ve noticed a huge difference in their energy bills. All told, their annual energy costs have decreased by up to 80 percent! For the Mahoneys, installing solar panels was about both saving money on electricity and about reducing their carbon footprint.
Mar 23, 2019
We’re striving to protect our children from this life-altering problem.
Mar 19, 2019
The SAVE Right Whales Act is an important piece of the solution for protecting this iconic species from extinction.
Mar 15, 2019
New England’s iconic fishery is in crisis.
Mar 14, 2019
It’s hardly news that temperatures in New England drop below freezing in winter. But as CLF has long argued, we have plenty of fuel to get through even the coldest winters unscathed, without footing the bill for a polluting new pipeline. And on top of that, if we want to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change, we must stop using dirty fuels like gas altogether.