Jun 17, 2019
“Plastic bags are used for mere minutes before they poison our communities and our bodies for years,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of the Zero Waste Project at CLF. “We cannot recycle our way out of this. Banning single-use plastics is the only way to protect our health and environment from this dangerous blight on our communities.”
Jun 14, 2019
Governor Mills reinstated net metering, and the Maine legislature is now considering two important renewable energy bills.
Jun 03, 2019
North Atlantic right whales are one of the most endangered whales on the planet. This iconic species could go extinct in our lifetime, but it’s still within our power to save them. Meet the people using the power of the law, science, and photography to save the right whale — and join us in the fight.
May 31, 2019
Tailpipe pollution wreaks havoc on our health.
May 21, 2019
Stop plastic from harming our air, water, and health.
May 17, 2019
New England has a housing crisis – and it’s impacting our health. These are the findings of the latest County Health Rankings, a project of the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The study found that housing affordability and quality are major influencers of health here in New England.
May 17, 2019
“This legislation will make Maine a national leader on climate change,” said Emily K. Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “We need bold action to stave off the worst impacts of the looming climate crisis. This bill will slash carbon emissions while protecting businesses and spurring new industries. It’s clear that the time for talk and debate is over. We must pass this law.”
May 13, 2019
Here in New England, we rely too much on fracked gas to heat and power our homes and businesses. If we want to avoid a climate catastrophe, we need to end fossil fuel use by 2050.
May 10, 2019
Maine just took a big step forward on climate. Last week, Governor Janet Mills announced a bill that could make significant progress toward addressing our climate crisis by drastically reducing climate-damaging emissions while growing our state’s economy.
May 09, 2019
As I prepare to launch CLF’s Waterkeeper boat this season, I’m reminded that the Great Bay–Piscataqua Estuary is at the heart of what makes the Seacoast region so special. But our estuary is at a tipping point, with too much nitrogen polluting the water. Learn how you can just us to fight for clean waterways on the Seacoast this summer.