Jan 31, 2020

New England Doesn’t Need, or Want, New Gas Pipelines

Every winter the gas industry tries to scare us, claiming there isn’t enough gas during cold snaps to heat and power our homes. Their solution? More fracked gas and new, expensive gas pipelines. But we don’t have to buy into their propaganda. We have all the power we need without expensive new pipelines.

New gas pipelines are a bad deal for New England
Jan 29, 2020

Getting Off Gas: Using a Heat Pump to Warm Your Home

“We have many options for heating our homes,” says Greg Cunningham, Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Alternatives like heat pumps avoid the use of oil and natural gas furnaces, which pollute our environment and damage our climate.”

A heat pump is a great way to warm your home.
Jan 28, 2020

Curbside Recycling is Failing Us, But There Are Alternatives that Work

Despite many good intentions, curbside recycling has turned out to be a disaster. But that doesn’t mean recycling is dead. We have solutions. One of the best systems for recycling our plastic, glass, and aluminum containers is the bottle return program, also known as the “bottle bill” or deposit-return.

blue curbside recycling bin
Jan 28, 2020

Infographic: Comparing New England’s Bottle Return Programs

Although some New England states pioneered the bottle return system, they have since fallen behind. But New England can improve its recycling by updating or adopting bottle return systems in each state. This would help reduce litter in our neighborhoods, parks, and waterways; it would keep recyclable material out of landfills and incinerators; and it would lift some recycling costs off of communities.

Jan 27, 2020

Why (and How) We Must Update Our Electricity Grid

Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But times have changed. Today, clean, renewable energy can be harnessed right where we live, so electricity doesn’t have to come from polluting power plants miles away. But we have to update our electricity grid to take advantage of it.

We need to update our electricity grid
Jan 26, 2020

Why Maine needs the Transportation Climate Initiative

At a time when the federal government is utterly failing to protect us from the impacts of climate change, we need state-level policies like TCI more than ever. If it’s done right, we will all see the benefits.

Jan 24, 2020

Driving an Electric Car in New England

CLF’ers Elena Mihaly and Tom Irwin show that you don’t have to live in a major city, or even on a paved road, to benefit from driving an electric car.

It's easy to drive an electric car in New England
Jan 09, 2020

Conservation Matters Fall 2019

We can’t allow manufacturers to get away with the false narrative that it’s up to you and me to recycle our way out of the plastic pollution crisis. It’s time to call them out as the real culprits and put the burden on their shoulders, not ours. 

Jan 09, 2020

Turn off the Gas

Winter snow and ice bring out Big Gas’s fearmongers. Why is the region’s electric grid operator among them?