Mar 18, 2024

The Truth About Carbon Footprints

The carbon footprint concept was a clever marketing tool used by fossil fuel companies to spread the blame on carbon pollution.

water droplet in the shape of a foot on a leaf
Mar 13, 2024

The Power of Policy

CLF is creating climate policies that will dramatically cut carbon emissions, particularly in polluting sectors like transportation.

Cars crossing a highway bridge at night
Mar 06, 2024

Maine Legislature Passes Food Scrap Ban 

“Methane pollution is over 80 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide in driving the climate crisis,” said Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste attorney at CLF. “The main culprit of this pollution is decomposing food scraps in landfills, and this bill offers a logical solution to this problem. It’s time for Maine to catch up with the rest of New England and embrace a better solution for our food waste.”

pile of food waste