Sep 08, 2020
As we celebrate the four-year anniversary of New England’s national monuments, CLF is part of a growing movement of scientists, policymakers, businesses, and conservation organizations in the United States and around the world calling for the global protection of at least 30% of land and 30% of the ocean by 2030.
Aug 20, 2020
Communities across New England deal with the crude repercussions of local incinerators every day. As long we allow these facilities to operate, they will continue to poison our planet and our people.
Aug 10, 2020
UPDATE: Temperatures across the Northeast have soared this summer. As emissions rise and climate change worsens, extreme heat becomes more common and more people face these deadly conditions. We need to take action to prevent things from getting even worse — and to help those most affected.
Jul 31, 2020
We know that to protect biodiversity and build our ocean’s resilience to climate change, we must protect much more of New England’s ocean.
Jul 29, 2020
“At the time, we understood this was a measure to protect public health. But as more information came out, it’s now clear that reusable bags are not a cause for concern, from a public health perspective.”
Jul 22, 2020
In times of change and upheaval, there is also room for hope and inspiration. While we collectively have much hard work ahead of us, we also have much to commend. Our hope is that this report offers insight into the work that your support makes possible – and inspiration for what we know we can accomplish together.
Jul 16, 2020
This spring, the Trump administration reversed stronger protections for our nation’s waters, putting people, animals, and local businesses at risk. CLF and our partners are fighting this latest attack: We’re taking the administration to court.
Jul 14, 2020
“Electric cars, trucks, and buses are the future,” said CLF Senior Attorney Emily Green. “Cutting transportation emissions to zero is a critical piece of confronting the climate crisis and protecting public health from toxic exhaust. This is yet another example of states leading the way while the federal government turns back the clock on environmental progress.
Jun 29, 2020
After a victory in the first phase of our lawsuit to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales, now we’re asking the court for protective measures in the second phase.
Jun 24, 2020
UPDATE: Vermont is once again caught in the midst of a blinding heatwave. Our state has never been this hot for this long in June – and it’s not letting up. From Maine to the Arctic Circle and around the globe, regions that typically don’t experience this type of heat are breaking temperature records. Like… Continue reading UPDATE: Dangerous Heat Waves Demand Immediate Climate Action