Jul 15, 2021

Stopping Big Oil

Grassroots organizing led to a big win over Big Oil in Maine. And while the case continues, residents are not sitting idle.

South Portland residents stopped Portland Pipe Line Company's plan to pump tar sands oil from Montreal
Jul 13, 2021

Governor Mills Signs Critical Waste Bill

“Maine’s current recycling system is broken,” said Peter Blair, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF Maine. “Cities and towns are paying exorbitant disposal rates for polluting products that are deliberately manufactured to be unrecyclable. It’s time plastic producers pay for polluting our air, land, and water with their products, and this law will finally hold them accountable.”

Jul 07, 2021

How Do You Heal an Estuary? A New Project Will Help Us Find Out

We just launched a pilot project to see if eelgrass harvested in one area can be transplanted successfully in another. What we learn will help us understand if we can jumpstart the recovery of the ecosystem that depends on this underwater plant.

Eelgrass restoration on the Great Bay-Piscataqua Estuary