Jul 07, 2021

How Do You Heal an Estuary? A New Project Will Help Us Find Out

We just launched a pilot project to see if eelgrass harvested in one area can be transplanted successfully in another. What we learn will help us understand if we can jumpstart the recovery of the ecosystem that depends on this underwater plant.

Eelgrass restoration on the Great Bay-Piscataqua Estuary
Jun 05, 2021

Conservation groups set to sue major hydro plant owner over Kennebec dam operations

“Right now they are operating those facilities in violation of the Endangered Species Act, because they don’t have authorization to kill Atlantic salmon, which is what their dams do,” said Sean Mahoney, executive vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation. “So they need to apply to get that authority or they need to remove the cause of the killing or taking of Atlantic salmon, which are the four dams.”

May 19, 2021

6 Reasons Why We Waste So Much Food (and How We Can Stop)

We have a food waste problem. Each year, the U.S. trashes about 125 to 160 billion pounds of food. And while several factors play into our increasing wastefulness, the good news is, we have readily available solutions at hand.

Best-before date label on aluminum can
Apr 24, 2021

You Can Get There from Here

Over 40% of New England’s climate-damaging emissions billow from the exhaust pipes of our cars, trucks, semis, buses, and trains. We cannot solve climate change without cutting that pollution. And in the process, we have a unique opportunity to reimagine our region’s transportation systems as ones that are both affordable and accessible to everyone.