Jul 11, 2022

The Truth About “Advanced Recycling” Systems

So-called “advanced recycling” is a ruse. The term is part of a larger disinformation – or greenwashing – campaign. That campaign’s goal: to distract lawmakers and the public from real solutions to the world’s plastic crisis.

May 20, 2022

President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative Promises to Tackle Climate Injustice – But It Needs to Do Better for Communities of Color

New federal and state laws and policies require government agencies to invest in environmental justice populations. The details behind these requirements must recognize the primary predictor to experience environmental burdens: race. CLF is working to ensure that government investments reach the populations who have endured the brunt of pollution and other consequences of climate change.

Joe Biden speaks to a crowd
May 12, 2022

Matt Linder

Matt Linder has been with CLF since early 2021 and is the Associate Vice President for Development. Matt leads CLF’s major gift efforts, working collaboratively across the organization in support of the organization’s philanthropic goals. Prior to CLF, Matt worked at the New England Aquarium, where he helped lead an explosive $11 million annual fund… Continue reading Matt Linder

Apr 20, 2022

Governor Mills Signs Critical Waste Bill Into Law

signed a new law that closes a loophole allowing out-of-state waste to be buried in the Juniper Ridge Landfill in Alton, which is only supposed to accept trash from Maine. Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) released the following statement in response.

“Dumping out-of-state waste at this landfill violates the law and harms the health of nearby communities,” said Peter Blair, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “This landfill has been burying thousands of tons of construction and demolition debris for years through this loophole and that will finally come to an end. Legislators and Governor Mills deserve credit for putting Mainers’ health over corporate profits.”

Landfill construction and demolition debris
Apr 13, 2022

Global Plastic Treaty Can be a Bold Step in Turning Off the Plastic Tap

For too long, the world has treated plastic as a waste disposal problem. But plastic pollutes from the moment we extract fossil fuels from the ground. To truly tackle this crisis, we need to stop plastic production at its source. And the UN plastic treaty can do just that – on a global scale.

globe in plastic packaging