Dec 27, 2022

Explainer: Freeing the Kennebec River

Removing four obsolete dams on the Kennebec River is an urgent next step that will improve the health of the Gulf of Maine, enhance riverfront communities, and bring back millions of sea-run fish, including endangered Atlantic salmon.

A dam on the Kennebec River in Maine
Dec 20, 2022

Nora Bosworth

Nora Bosworth is a Communities and Toxics Staff Attorney in CLF’s Environmental Justice Program. Prior to joining CLF, Nora devoted her legal skills to defending and advocating for undocumented youth as an attorney at Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project in Los Angeles. Nora transferred from NYU School of Law to Maine Law, where she graduated summa… Continue reading Nora Bosworth

Nora Bosworth
Nov 03, 2022

The Truth about Biofuels

Are fuels derived from crops and waste good climate solutions at scale? Short answer: No. Here’s why.

Biofuels, like those created from soybeans, are not a climate solution at scale.