Apr 27, 2023

The Truth about Overfishing

Overfishing is not caused by the actions of an individual boat. It’s a systemic problem in which federal regulators may allow fish to be caught faster than they can replenish themselves.

Atlantic Cod fish
Apr 12, 2023

5 Things To Do On Earth Day

Earth Day is almost here! It’s our moment to honor our planet by taking concrete action to preserve the environment and fight climate change. After all, as the saying goes, there’s no Planet B.   So, this year, let’s celebrate Earth Day by pairing our small local efforts with BIG collective actions that can really… Continue reading 5 Things To Do On Earth Day

Mar 23, 2023

Kate Sinding Daly

Kate Sinding Daly is Senior Vice President of Law and Policy at the Conservation Law Foundation. She was previously the inaugural executive director of NorthLight Foundation, which focuses on advancing equitable and enduring solutions for environmental and human health. She spent about a decade at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), first as a senior… Continue reading Kate Sinding Daly

Staff-Kate Sinding Daly
Mar 16, 2023

What Is Energy Efficiency?

Energy efficiency is not just about conserving energy or changing your old lightbulbs. It’s about getting more bang for your buck with every appliance – and making sweeping changes so that every level of our economy can do the same.

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity