Sep 08, 2023

CLF Settles Lawsuit Against First Transit in Connecticut

“Idling vehicles spread toxic tailpipe pollution into many communities already overburdened with harmful emissions and asthma,” said CLF attorney Erica Kyzmir-McKeon. “Buses are some of the most egregious sources of this pollution, and First Transit will now take the right steps to address the problem. CLF’s settlement will promote healthier communities by reducing excessive idling, supporting urban farming and green spaces, and enhancing air monitoring in environmental justice communities.”

An exhaust pipe is shown spewing out black smoke
Sep 05, 2023

The Truth about Hydrogen

Big Gas and Oil and utility companies are urging us to use hydrogen like we do other fossil fuels – which will damage the climate and our health

A 3-D rendering of the hydrogen molecule. One is in focus towards the right hand of the image, with a few more in the background not in focus. The image, including the molecules, are varying shades of blue.
Jul 31, 2023

5 Questions for Kate Sinding Daly

CLF’s new senior vice president of law and policy is a veteran environmental advocate primed to oversee the organization’s advocacy efforts across New England.

Kate Sinding Daly, CLF Senior Vice President of Law and Policy