Dec 18, 2018
“The health and economic well-being of people and our planet depend on bold action today to create a transportation system for the future,” said Amy Laura Cahn, director, Healthy Communities & Environmental Justice program at Conservation Law Foundation. “Environmental justice communities have the fewest resources to adapt to the impacts of climate change but have long borne the greatest burdens of pollution and transportation inequity. We welcome a regional problem-solving approach, but our most disadvantaged residents must have a seat at the table.”
Dec 14, 2018
It’s time to take New England’s work reducing plastic pollution to the next level. CLF’s Zero Waste Project is launching our campaign to ban single-use plastic bags in all six New England states to create less pollution, cleaner coastlines, and healthier communities for all.
Dec 12, 2018
Heat waves and flooding are putting New England’s people, environment, and economy at risk. Aging infrastructure is increasingly stressed from sea level rise and bigger storms. Our farmers face challenges from shifting growing seasons. Atlantic cod – already dwindling – will disappear and lobster will move out of reach of New England fishermen as waters warm.… Continue reading The News about Our Climate Isn’t Good – But the Fight is Far from Over
Dec 10, 2018
With a new estimate of fewer than 408 North Atlantic right whales, it’s even more critical to get new ropeless fishing gear in the water as soon as possible to prevent the entanglements that are killing our endangered whales.
Nov 08, 2018
The day after the election, CLF President Brad Campbell joined Staff Attorney Emily Green and special guest Jamie Hoyte – former Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs and currently Senior Advisor with Tremont Strategies Group – to talk through what the election results mean for New Englanders.
Oct 30, 2018
A version of this blog was published on September 12. New Englanders can no longer take the safety of our drinking water for granted. The widespread contamination of drinking water supplies in New England and the United States with toxic chemicals has grabbed our attention and forced the question: just how safe is our drinking water?… Continue reading Protecting New Englanders from Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water
Oct 29, 2018
There is still time to stop irreversible climate change if we act now. But we have to act fast or else the consequences will be dire and inescapable. That, in a nutshell, is what more than 90 of the top climate scientists from 40 countries around the world announced recently in a special report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC).
Oct 24, 2018
Joan Valk, a Family Support Specialist at Child Family Services in New Hampshire, sees the terrible impact of lead poisoning on children and families every day.
Oct 22, 2018
If your home was built before 1978, it’s essential to the health of your family that you ask an important question: Will my home improvement project disturb lead-based paint?
Oct 18, 2018
Immediate action is required to save the North Atlantic right whale. Getting an accurate Biological Opinion is a key step.