Sep 12, 2018

New Guide Helps Community Kitchens Get Cooking

CLF has just released a new guide to help fledgling food businesses connect with commercial kitchens at neighborhood schools, churches, synagogues, or other community organizations.

Sep 06, 2018

Protecting Our Kids from Lead in Drinking Water

Schools and childcare centers – places where children spend so much time – can have unsafe levels of lead in their water, putting our kids’ health at risk. To ensure safe water, it’s time for parents and teachers to demand that schools test their water for lead and take measures necessary to protect the health of schoolchildren.

Aug 12, 2018

Federal Proposal to Price Carbon Should be Considered, then Rejected

When Representative Carlos Curbelo proposed a price on carbon recently, he garnered a lot of attention among energy hawks, and not just because he is a Republican. The Trump administration has been busy scrubbing all references to human-caused climate change from its policies – and instead pushing hard to deepen our addiction to coal, oil,… Continue reading Federal Proposal to Price Carbon Should be Considered, then Rejected

Aug 02, 2018

EPA Rolls Back Clean Car Standards

“The EPA and NHTSA are prioritizing fossil fuel interests over the health of our communities,” said CLF Staff Attorney Emily K. Green. “Strong vehicle emissions standards are critical to addressing climate change, and weakening them will put the health of millions of Americans at risk. This decision disproportionately harms the most vulnerable among us, while forcing families and businesses to pay more at the pump. We will continue to fight this rollback with every tool available.”

Clean car standards are good for our health, good for the environment, and good for our wallets.
Jul 20, 2018

10 Things You Can Do to Help Protect Our Waters

Nutrient pollution impacts waterways across New England, from Lake Champlain to Narragansett Bay. These waters all carry excess levels of nitrogen or phosphorous – a problem caused by fertilizer running off of farms and lawns and animal waste from confined animal feeding operations. Another major cause is human sewage improperly treated by septic systems or overflowed… Continue reading 10 Things You Can Do to Help Protect Our Waters

Jul 17, 2018

How to Modernize Our Electricity Grid

Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But our technology has evolved since then. Clean, renewable energy from solar panels and wind turbines is available right where we live. But we need a smarter, more modern grid to make the most of it.

an electricity tranmission tower and wires against a blue sky with a solar flare. It is from viewpoint of looking up from the ground.