Mar 24, 2021

We Must #StopAsianHate

To be environmentalists – to stand up for healthy communities for all people across New England – we must be anti-racist. We cannot, and will not, be silent.

Asian woman holding protest sign that says "Stop Asian Hate"
Mar 18, 2021

Here’s What a Clean, Equitable Future Should Look Like in New England

The heart of environmental justice is ensuring that we all have equal access to power when it comes to decisions that directly affect our lives. CLF connected with two of our Massachusetts-based partners to talk about their vision for a community where residents feel empowered to shape the future, and what it would mean for environmental and climate protections to be just.

Advocates in Chelsea, an environmental justice community, are thinking about what a clean, equitable future looks like for their neighborhood
Mar 18, 2021

Infographic: What’s the Best Way to Deal with Food Waste?

With organic waste recycling on the rise, many cities and towns are looking to invest in infrastructure that will repurpose our food waste and yard clippings. But which method should they invest in – industrial composting or anaerobic digestion?

pile of food waste
Mar 16, 2021

What Do We Mean by Environmental Justice?

For decades, low-income, immigrant, and communities of color across New England have been overburdened by air pollution from power plants, congested highways, and industrial facilities. CLF connected with two of our Massachusetts-based partners to discuss what needs to change to relieve these burdens and how racism contributes to environmental justice inequities.

Environmental justice is racial justice
Mar 05, 2021

What You Need to Know About Zero Waste

Is the systemic idea of Zero Waste actually possible? Yes! But to do so, we need to stop looking at Zero Waste as just a lifestyle and start looking at it as a strategic concept for managing our waste – and tackling the trash crisis.

zero waste refill shop
Feb 19, 2021

Connecticut School Buses Polluting Neighborhoods

“A company responsible for transporting children safely cannot be allowed to ignore the law,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “ All-Star and STA must stop violating anti-idling laws and exposing the public to dangerous levels of tailpipe exhaust. All Connecticut residents have a right to clean air.”

Feb 08, 2021

3 Ways North Atlantic Right Whales Help Solve Climate Change

From the second they are born to their last breath, North Atlantic right whales help our climate by making our ocean more resilient. We need to push for their protection so that they can do their part in helping to create a greater future for all.

North Atlantic right whales help our climate and make our ocean more resilient. We must push for better protections to protect our valuable partners in this fight. Photo: NOAA