Jan 24, 2022

First Transit Buses Polluting Connecticut Communities

“First Transit repeatedly violates important anti-idling laws designed to reduce dangerous tailpipe pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “In order to prevent further harm to public health and our environment, the company must put an end to this unlawful behavior.”

Jan 21, 2022

Carbon Pricing 101

A previous version of this blog was published in August, 2017 With the federal government stymied over any meaningful climate legislation, it’s up to the states to take the lead on curbing carbon pollution. Here in New England, such leadership is nothing new. Five New England states have climate laws in the books, mandating cuts… Continue reading Carbon Pricing 101

Jan 14, 2022

Five Questions for Food Waste Feast

Co-founders of Mei Mei Dumplings and Food Waste Feast, Mei and Irene are on a mission to pass along their professional knowledge for reducing food waste in the kitchen. Designing dishes that use up everything in the fridge and offering workshops on how to make your dollars go further by cooking smarter, the sister-duo is on the cutting edge of the food waste revolution. 

Mei and Irene Li of Food Waste Feast
Jan 12, 2022

Holding Producers Accountable for the Waste They Create

Manufacturers should not be allowed to reap profits while their toxic products and packaging harm our health and environment. Producer responsibility laws have the potential to drastically cut our waste generation and disposal, as well as their harms. And all while holding producers accountable.

pile of trash bags full of waste
Jan 06, 2022

Polluters Latest Greenwashing Scam? Pretending Plastics Are Part of the “Circular Economy”

During my recent stint on parental leave, I tried to disconnect from my Zero Waste work. But I quickly realized that there’s no off-switch for corporate greenwashing. So, I’d like to set the record straight. What does circular economy really mean? And why will single-use plastics and waste-burning technologies never have a place in it? Here are the answers.

plastic six recycling symbol
Jan 04, 2022

Conservation Matters: Fall 2021

CLF’s unique social investment funds flip that script. With our business, philanthropic, and community partners, we have created a national model for ensuring that change is led by the people already living in a neighborhood, united by a common vision for their future.

Dec 29, 2021

HealthScore Metrics

HealthScore is a screening tool that offers a holistic and actionable vision for healthy, inclusive, and sustainable housing and mixed-use development. CLF uses HealthScore to understand neighborhood context and screen potential investments for its Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund.  Our scorecard is a model for how to measure and track the ways that real estate development… Continue reading HealthScore Metrics

CLF HealthScore