Feb 01, 2023

The Truth About Electric Stoves  

The gas industry is trying to convince us that electric stoves are inferior to gas stoves. But we’ve got the facts that make electric stoves sizzle with potential.

Hand turning on an electric burner
Jan 30, 2023

Black Lives Matter

All of us at CLF are reeling from and sharing in the national outrage over the murders and persecution of black people perpetrated and condoned by the police and other state actors. Racial justice is at the heart of climate justice, and we fight for both.

Jan 12, 2023

Report Details Future of Clean Hydrogen in Connecticut

“Most hydrogen is currently produced from fossil fuels, so it cannot be considered clean energy,” said Shannon Laun, Vice President of CLF Connecticut and an appointed member of the task force. “As the report makes clear, the way hydrogen is produced is a critical piece of the puzzle. Investing in dirty hydrogen could actually increase emissions and make it harder to meet our climate goals, but clean hydrogen certainly has promise for uses that are hard to electrify.”

The periodic table's hydrogen chemical symbol is shown at an angle against a dark blue background
Dec 29, 2022

5 Questions for Shannon Laun

Shannon Laun oversees CLF’s newly opened Connecticut office, making headway on the state’s biggest environmental challenges.

Shannon Laun
Nov 03, 2022

The Truth about Biofuels

Are fuels derived from crops and waste good climate solutions at scale? Short answer: No. Here’s why.

Biofuels, like those created from soybeans, are not a climate solution at scale.