Mar 28, 2017

President Trump Decimates Critical Clean Air Protections

“President Trump’s decision to roll back EPA’s modest, common-sense climate rules betrays his promises to ‘drain the swamp’ and ‘promote clean air and water,'” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Instead, fossil fuel lobbyists from the swamp are bending a once-revered agency to their will and reversing essential protections. EPA has a legal and moral obligation to protect the public from climate-changing air pollution, and CLF is ready to enforce that obligation despite the president’s despicable action today.”

Mar 02, 2017

Third Ocean Frontiers Film Highlights Ocean Management and the ‘Blue Economy’

  The crew that brought us Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship and Ocean Frontiers II: A New England Story for Sustaining the Sea is back with a third installment. This newest documentary showcases the progress of ocean management in the context of what it means to be responsible stewards… Continue reading Third Ocean Frontiers Film Highlights Ocean Management and the ‘Blue Economy’

Mar 02, 2017

With Rick Perry at the Helm, U.S. Energy Future Under Threat

“With the Senate’s approval, Rick Perry today joins a long list of cabinet members unabashedly hostile to the missions of their agencies, resistant to the laws Congress has charged them with administering, and unwilling to allow science to guide their decisions,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “This is more reckless than extreme partisanship and more dangerous than overblown rhetoric. It puts every American on notice that the rule of law is in peril.”

Feb 28, 2017

Trump Administration Dismantles Critical Water Protections

“Today the President said clearly and unequivocally that ensuring Americans have access to clean and safe water is not on his to-do list,” said Christopher Kilian, Director of CLF’s Clean Water and Healthy Forests program. “Repealing this critical protection not only defies the broad-based will of the American people, but it also places our region’s wetlands, streams and coastal estuaries at risk. New Englanders deserve better, and CLF stands ready to fight this catastrophic action at all costs.”

Every state in New England deserves a future free of the public health and climate risks of dirty gas.
Feb 17, 2017

Whose Side Will Scott Pruitt Really Be On?

Scott Pruitt is more than just a threat to our environment – he’s a threat to our economy, our safety, and our entire way of life. The stakes are too high to stand idly by. CLF is ready for the fight.

Photo: Scott Pruitt
Feb 16, 2017

New England’s Big Pipeline Myth

For three years now, Big Gas has been spinning tall tales aimed at scaring you and me – and especially our local politicans – into locking in our addiction to dirty, polluting natural gas for decades to come. But their hype ignores the facts and the very real progress made over the past few years to avoid price spikes, keep the lights on, and tamp down our emissions of climate-damaging pollution.

Block Island Wind
Feb 01, 2017

Tillerson Tasked With Global Leadership on Climate Change

“U.S. leadership on climate change is essential to protecting the future of our economy and the safety of our communities, and Rex Tillerson now has the mantle of providing that leadership,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “We must cautiously, if reluctantly, place our faith in his willingness to put the best interests of the nation above those of the industry he championed his entire career. And if he falters, we are ready to challenge him at every turn.”