Aug 28, 2017

New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Talk Energy on Prince Edward’s Island

Each year, New England’s six governors and Eastern Canada’s five premiers gather to talk about the biggest issues facing the region. And naturally, climate change and clean energy are always on the table. It’s a critical meeting of regional leaders, one that can act as a springboard for individual action in each state and province.… Continue reading New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Talk Energy on Prince Edward’s Island

Aug 23, 2017

Nine States Announce Long-Term Commitment to Lowering Carbon Pollution

“With the Trump Administration making every effort to turn back the clock on environmental progress, it falls to state and regional collaboration to lead the way in protecting public health and defending clean air and water,” said CLF attorney Phelps Turner. “For nearly a decade, RGGI has been a sterling example of the positive impact such collaboration can have on both the environment and the economy, and today’s new commitments represent a significant contribution to our work to leave a cleaner and safer home for future generations.”

Clean Power Plan Gets Its Day in Court
Aug 18, 2017

Is Your Home Ready for the Solar Eclipse?

Excited about the solar eclipse? Curious how it might affect the energy grid here in New England? We put together some handy information, as well as practical things you can do to prepare.  

Jul 18, 2017

Defining Moment: The Importance of Advancing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Climate Leadership

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement has placed a renewed emphasis on local, state, and regional action on climate change. Just last month, 14 states – including four in New England – entered into the U.S. Climate Alliance, vowing to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement within their borders. The… Continue reading Defining Moment: The Importance of Advancing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Climate Leadership

Jul 10, 2017

Another Win for New England: Moving Beyond the Access Northeast Pipeline

At the end of June, Eversource and National Grid — two of New England’s biggest utilities — along with pipeline operator Enbridge, withdrew plans for a $3.2 billion natural gas pipeline known as Access Northeast. The companies have been pushing for this dirty fossil fuel pipeline for years, and wanted New England families and businesses… Continue reading Another Win for New England: Moving Beyond the Access Northeast Pipeline