Apr 12, 2019

Give Atlantic Cod a Break: Flawed Data

Centuries of intense fishing and decades of poor management have driven New England’s Atlantic cod population to the brink. And, while our region’s most iconic fish could still recover, ensuring future generations will be able to enjoy fresh, local cod starts with improving our understanding of how many cod are actually being caught.

Apr 11, 2019

Our Recycling System is Broken. It’s Time for Plastic Producers to Take Responsibility.

American recycling is in a crisis. But this crisis is a chance to create a better system for tomorrow. Today’s products and their packaging are often made from plastic and designed for disposal. By holding the producers of those products accountable for their polluting products, we can create a system that’s better for our communities and better for our planet.

Plastic water bottles
Apr 04, 2019

Threats Continue as Right Whales Migrate Back to New England

Seven new North Atlantic right whale calves are migrating with their mothers and other whales back up the east cost into New England and Canadian waters. But this journey is full of threats: ship strikes, noise pollution, and entanglement in fishing gear all threaten their survival. We must work to make our oceans a safe and welcoming place for right whales.

Mar 28, 2019

Home Energy Solutions: Investing in Rooftop Solar

Since Sean Mahoney, CLF’s Executive Vice President, and his wife put a rooftop solar panel system on their barn, they’ve noticed a huge difference in their energy bills. All told, their annual energy costs have decreased by up to 80 percent! For the Mahoneys, installing solar panels was about both saving money on electricity and about reducing their carbon footprint.

Rooftop solar panels on a barn in Maine
Mar 26, 2019

Statewide plastic bag ban push is on

“I love all of New England,” Kirstie Pecci, senior fellow at the Conservation Law Foundation, wrote in a regional update email Tuesday. “I am busting my butt every day to move towards Zero Waste through the whole region.”

Mar 14, 2019

Why We Don’t Need to Worry About Cold Snaps in New England

It’s hardly news that temperatures in New England drop below freezing in winter. But as CLF has long argued, we have plenty of fuel to get through even the coldest winters unscathed, without footing the bill for a polluting new pipeline. And on top of that, if we want to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change, we must stop using dirty fuels like gas altogether.

With energy supply during cold snaps under control, it’s time to focus on fighting climate change
Mar 07, 2019

The Year Ahead in Washington: CLF’s Federal Ocean Policy Priorities

The 2018 midterms brought a Democratic majority to the House, giving us new and exciting opportunities for environmental legislation. This Congressional session, CLF’s Oceans team is focused on protecting special places in New England’s ocean, effectively addressing threats facing the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, and promoting sustainable fisheries.