Sep 19, 2019

Electric Cars: The Future of Transportation

Nearly 30% of climate-damaging emissions nationwide come from transportation. Switching to electric cars and powering them with clean energy like solar and wind will slash our emissions and help us avoid the worst effects of climate change. 

electric cars promise to be the future of transportation
Sep 18, 2019

Trump Rollback Of California Car Emissions Waiver Will Hit Massachusetts

“The clean car standards are the nation’s most robust program for reducing greenhouse gases in the country,” said Emily Green of the Conservation Law Foundation. “And the states should have the authority— in fact they do have the authority under the Clean Air Act — to protect their citizens from these emissions and from harmful impacts of climate chaos that these emissions cause.”

Sep 13, 2019

Happy Birthday to Our Marine National Monument

As the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument turns three, we’re celebrating the critical role it plays in safeguarding the health of New England’s ocean for generations to come – and highlighting the need for more places like it in our ocean. 

Sep 13, 2019

New Englanders Hit the Road for Drive Electric Week

It’s that time of year again—National Drive Electric Week! Every year, people across the nation celebrate the benefits of electric vehicles and showcase their cars during events throughout the country. From not shelling out money at the gas pump to not spewing pollution, there’s a lot to celebrate. Pollution from transportation, including the cars and trucks we drive every day, is the leading cause of climate-damaging emissions in New England. If we want to tackle the climate crisis, we have to fight for cleaner cars and a cleaner transportation system overall.

Electric vehicles are a critical part of our climate solutions.
Sep 12, 2019

CLF Challenges Trump Administration’s Appalling Clean Power Plan Replacement

In a move that will harm Americans’ health, economy, and climate, the Trump administration rolled out its proposed replacement to the Obama-era Clean Power Plan in June. The landmark Clean Power Plan was set to cut emissions from dirty coal plants—slashing pollution and combatting the looming climate crisis. CLF is fighting back against this shameless gift to the dying fossil fuel industry.

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Sep 11, 2019

Action Needed on High Toxic Chemical Levels in Bottled Water

Recent testing found that bottled water sold across New England has dangerously high levels of toxic PFAS chemicals. Without strong federal regulations, states have an important role to play to protect the public from exposure to these dangerous toxics. Vermont appears to be the only New England state that took the necessary steps to ensure that the contaminated water is off store shelves.

Aug 29, 2019

Lisa Gianelly, Esq.

Lisa Gianelly, Esq. has a background in real estate and commercial law. Lisa began her career at WilmerHale, where she practiced in both the Real Estate Department and the Commercial Law Department, before moving to the Property and Finance Department at Nixon Peabody. At both firms and as a board member at the Lawyers Clearinghouse… Continue reading Lisa Gianelly, Esq.

Aug 29, 2019

Trump EPA Proposes Rollbacks on Methane Rules

“The Trump administration is determined to destroy our planet in an effort to prop up faltering oil and gas giants,” said Greg Cunningham, VP and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Methane is over 80 times more damaging to our climate than carbon dioxide, and any increase in this dangerous gas only brings us closer to climate catastrophe. These senseless rollbacks are nothing but a giveaway to the dying fossil fuel industry and they will put countless lives at risk.”