Jul 23, 2020

Guest Post: Protecting Water for Wildlife and the People Who Love It

Birdwatchers know that visiting a healthy wetland, vernal pool, or small stream can help boost sightings since the presence of water plus plant and insect diversity is a bird magnet. MassAudubon is fighting with CLF to protect our waters from the Trump administration’s rollbacks.

Christina Wiseman MassAudubon
Jul 22, 2020

Conservation Matters Summer 2020: Year in Review

In times of change and upheaval, there is also room for hope and inspiration. While we collectively have much hard work ahead of us, we also have much to commend. Our hope is that this report offers insight into the work that your support makes possible – and inspiration for what we know we can accomplish together.

Conservation Matters Summer 2020
Jul 20, 2020

The History of Trash

Humans have been producing trash for generations. But how we dispose of it hasn’t improved in ages. By implementing zero-waste policies, we can begin to redesign our waste systems and produce less trash – while also protecting our environment and our communities.

Illustration title page: History of Trash
Jul 16, 2020

Federal Energy Regulators Stand Up for Solar

“This decision is a huge win for solar power in New England,” said Phelps Turner, CLF Senior Attorney. “The petition never should have been filed, and FERC absolutely made the right call in dismissing it. Net metering saves people money and helps slash carbon emissions, and it should not be used as a political pawn.”

Jul 16, 2020

CLF is Challenging the Trump EPA Over Water Protection Rollbacks

This spring, the Trump administration reversed stronger protections for our nation’s waters, putting people, animals, and local businesses at risk. CLF and our partners are fighting this latest attack: We’re taking the administration to court.  

Mystic River
Jul 14, 2020

Communities of color hit hardest by heat waves

Like COVID-19, severe heat waves are not an “equal opportunity” health threat. The most disinvested neighborhoods — those dominated by buildings, pavement, and parking lots — are hit the hardest. The built environment of these places absorbs and traps heat, creating a “heat island effect” that makes them dangerously hotter than other neighborhoods while worsening their air quality.

Jul 09, 2020

Right Whales Declared Critically Endangered

“This is a barometer and the forecast for right whales could still go either way,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “With a calf recently found dead of blunt trauma caused by a vessel strike, we’re one step closer to extinction. While this new status doesn’t  change legal obligations here at home, it’s a reminder that to save this species, we can’t wait any longer for necessary long term protections.”

right whale aerial shot
Jul 08, 2020

Public Health Expert Refutes Safety of Disposables

Experts are refuting the plastic industry’s claims that reusable bags carry and transmit COVID-19. One public health expert, Dr. Ben Locwin, spoke with CLF about why reusables do not increase the risk of infection, and how washing your reusables with soap or detergent reduces any theoretical risk of transmission.

Person carrying groceries in plastic bag
Jul 07, 2020

Community-Based, Environmental and Civil Rights Activists Across Country Issue Statement and Unified Demands

Amy Laura Cahn, Senior Attorney, Interim Director – Healthy Communities & Environmental Justice, Conservation Law Foundation, said, ““The data is clear: COVID-19 is attacking Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities at astronomical rates. For generations, our legal system has withheld resources and legal protections from these communities while shielding whiter, wealthier areas from environmental harm. Now is the time to create new systems that prioritize the rights, health, and self-determination of those who have been denied these freedoms since before this country’s inception.”