Oct 01, 2020

Climate Change Is the Threat of Our Lifetime

New England is extremely vulnerable to climate change. It’s a crisis not only for the environment, but also for the health of our communities. It will take systemic change in the way we do business, the way we govern, and the way we guide people to solve climate change and move into the next century.

We must act now to avoid the worst impacts of climate change
Sep 30, 2020

Fishery Managers Adopt 100% Monitoring Plan

“Atlantic cod is one of New England’s most iconic fish and it is in peril,” said Allison Lorenc, Policy Analyst at CLF. “Establishing a new understanding of catch through 100% monitoring will provide scientists and managers with the information they need to prevent overfishing and help species like cod recover to healthy populations. A sustainable fishery must be based on accurate data, and the fishery management council demonstrated their commitment to that today while also minimizing the economic burden on the industry.”

Sep 22, 2020

What Is a Renewable Energy Certificate?

A Renewable Energy Certificate is a way to measure and track the production of clean energy. It’s how states and utilities track how much clean energy is being produced by renewable energy sources and which electrical utilities are buying that power.

Good solar policy is important for the success of clean energy.
Sep 21, 2020

What Is a Renewable Portfolio Standard?

A Renewable Portfolio Standard is a way for states to ensure their electric utilities – and by extension, the states themselves – are making progress on clean energy. The best policies heavily emphasize clean renewables like wind and solar.

A Renewable Portfolio Standard helps boost jobs in the clean energy industry
Sep 18, 2020

The Great Flood of Single-Use Packaging

Recycling is confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. By holding Big Corporations responsible for the flood of single-use packaging they create, we can incentivize them to redesign their products and containers to be truly recyclable, or better yet, reusable.

Illustration Title Page
Sep 10, 2020

Infographic: Our Waste is Trashing Our Climate

Burning and burying our trash leads to carbon pollution. We need to phase out these old, polluting incinerators and landfills and replace them with zero-waste alternatives. By doing so, we can help lower climate-damaging emissions and protect our communities and the environment.

landfill with garbage trucks
Sep 08, 2020

To Bury or to Burn Our Trash? That’s the Wrong Question.

We don’t have good systems for dealing with our waste other than throwing a mix of toxic junk into our garbage cans. But we could. The truth is, it’s not a question of whether we should bury or burn our waste. What we should be asking is this: how do we produce less trash?

Woman with shovel in one hand and a flame in the other
Sep 02, 2020

10 Zero Waste Tips to Slash Trash in Your Life

Making any life change takes time, and the same goes for slashing your trash – including what goes in your recycling bin. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips to help you get started.

go zero waste to slash your trash