Mar 18, 2021

Here’s What a Clean, Equitable Future Should Look Like in New England

The heart of environmental justice is ensuring that we all have equal access to power when it comes to decisions that directly affect our lives. CLF connected with two of our Massachusetts-based partners to talk about their vision for a community where residents feel empowered to shape the future, and what it would mean for environmental and climate protections to be just.

Advocates in Chelsea, an environmental justice community, are thinking about what a clean, equitable future looks like for their neighborhood
Mar 18, 2021

Infographic: What’s the Best Way to Deal with Food Waste?

With organic waste recycling on the rise, many cities and towns are looking to invest in infrastructure that will repurpose our food waste and yard clippings. But which method should they invest in – industrial composting or anaerobic digestion?

pile of food waste
Mar 16, 2021

What Do We Mean by Environmental Justice?

For decades, low-income, immigrant, and communities of color across New England have been overburdened by air pollution from power plants, congested highways, and industrial facilities. CLF connected with two of our Massachusetts-based partners to discuss what needs to change to relieve these burdens and how racism contributes to environmental justice inequities.

Environmental justice is racial justice
Mar 09, 2021

Biden Administration Could Bring Us A Step Closer Toward A Healthy Ocean

Early announcements from the new administration give reason for optimism and could help us leave a healthy ocean for future generations. The emphasis on conserving protected ocean areas like the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts means the ocean has a shot at recovering from the damage humans have inflicted.

Biden's goal to restore protections for areas like the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts monument and set aside 30% of the ocean could help us create a healthy ocean. Photo: NOAA
Mar 08, 2021

Vineyard Wind Project Passes Major Hurdle

“Offshore wind is a critical piece of New England’s shift from polluting fossil fuels to clean energy,” said Priscilla Brooks, Director of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “Today’s news is an exciting step forward for the Vineyard Wind project and we look forward to reviewing the environmental impact statement. We will continue to work with Vineyard Wind and federal officials to make sure that this project moves forward quickly and in a way that avoids harm to endangered North Atlantic right whales as well as other ocean wildlife and habitats.”

offshore wind farm
Mar 08, 2021

What Not to Do with Food Waste: A Cautionary Tale

Cambridge partnered with a local composter in 2018 to start a curbside compost program. But as more residents signed-up, the volume of food scraps increased. Cambridge accommodated the growth by finding a new partner. It signed with Waste Management – a partnership that has put the City’s food scraps to waste.

lemon and orange food scraps
Mar 05, 2021

What You Need to Know About Zero Waste

Is the systemic idea of Zero Waste actually possible? Yes! But to do so, we need to stop looking at Zero Waste as just a lifestyle and start looking at it as a strategic concept for managing our waste – and tackling the trash crisis.

zero waste refill shop
Jan 30, 2021

President Biden Stands Up for the Ocean

Protected areas like the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts are critical in the fight to give these waters and species a chance to recover. We know that setting aside parts of the ocean leads to healthy marine life, which fuels an abundance and diversity of life in adjacent waters. That, in turn, supports our ocean economy, including commercial and recreational fishing and whale watching in the long run. Everyone wins.