Feb 16, 2023

Vessel Strike Killed Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale

“Since 2017, at least 95 critically endangered right whales have been killed or injured by preventable human causes. Yet nothing has been done to reduce deadly vessel strikes. Right whales have been on this planet for millions of years and we are at risk of losing this entire species because of bureaucratic red tape. That cannot be allowed to continue.”

A dead right whale washed up on a Virginia beach.
Feb 07, 2023

Winter Sports in a Warming World

As a skiing enthusiast, New England’s snowy slopes are my winter haven. But climate change is threatening them, and so much more.

Skiers at a downhill ski area
Feb 02, 2023

Getting Serious About Climate Resiliency

Climate disruption is forcing us to regularly grapple with extreme weather. That’s why we need to act now on climate resiliency measures to ensure that our communities can cope with not only the climate impacts here today but with those yet to come.

Man wading through flooded water in Boston highlights need for climate resiliency measures
Feb 01, 2023

The Truth About Electric Stoves  

The gas industry is trying to convince us that electric stoves are inferior to gas stoves. But we’ve got the facts that make electric stoves sizzle with potential.

Hand turning on an electric burner