March 9, 2017

Massachusetts Proposal to Ratchet Down Climate Pollution Not Good Enough

by David Ismay

Proposed regulations by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to ratchet down climate-damaging emissions fall dramatically short of what’s needed and legally required – adding up to only about 70,000 tons of emissions, not the 5 million tons we need to reach a 2020 goal.

March 8, 2017

New Bill in Rhode Island General Assembly May Stop Invenergy Power Plant

by Jerry Elmer

A new bill, H-5897, just introduced into the Rhode Island General Assembly, may be enough to kill Invenergy’s proposal to build a 1,000-megawatt fracked gas and diesel oil power plant in rustic Burrillville, Rhode Island.

Photo: Rhode Island State Capitol Building
March 8, 2017

Maine Takes a Giant Step Backward on the Road to Solar Power

by Emily Green

Maine’s Public Utilities Commission just issued the most regressive rule to govern solar energy in the country, including a provision that punishes solar panel owners for generating their own clean electricity. The Commission’s new rule flies in the face of the more than 4,000 comments Mainers filed opposing the draft rule and Mainers’ overwhelming support… Continue reading Maine Takes a Giant Step Backward on the Road to Solar Power

March 8, 2017

Another Attack on Money-Saving Energy Efficiency in New Hampshire

by Melissa Birchard

The NH legislature is (once again) trying to stop progress on cost-saving, environmentally friendly energy efficiency in the Granite State.

March 7, 2017

Proposed Power Plant Would Spew A Million New Tons of Climate-Damaging Emissions

by Max Greene

The people of Bridgeport, Connecticut have lived under the shadow of the Bridgeport Harbor Station power plant for decades now. This old and inefficient power plant is one of the last in New England that still runs on coal, a dirty and expensive fuel that generates high levels of climate-damaging emissions – not to mention air… Continue reading Proposed Power Plant Would Spew A Million New Tons of Climate-Damaging Emissions

Bridgeport Harbor Station Coal Plant
March 7, 2017

Vermont Takes Action to Rein in Stormwater Pollution

by Rebekah Weber

Vermont’s House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife is considering a bill to improve how the state manages its rainfall. Pollution from stormwater runoff is one of the gravest threats to clean water in New England. When rain falls on pavement rather than soil, two things happen: first, it gains speed as it runs… Continue reading Vermont Takes Action to Rein in Stormwater Pollution

Algae blooms phosphorus pollution
March 7, 2017

CLF Lawsuit Could Stop Invenergy Plant for Good

by Jerry Elmer

The problems for Invenergy continue to mount. Today, March 7, 2017, CLF filed a new lawsuit in Rhode Island Superior Court, the latest salvo in CLF’s long effort to stop Invenergy from building a fracked gas and diesel oil power plant in Rhode Island. Invenergy’s New Water Deal May Not Be a “Done Deal” I have… Continue reading CLF Lawsuit Could Stop Invenergy Plant for Good

March 5, 2017

Maine’s Strong Lead Paint Protections Threatened by Budget Cuts

by Phelps Turner

Recently proposed cuts in the 2018–2019 Maine state budget would dramatically reduce funding for lead poisoning prevention efforts, leaving our children vulnerable to lifelong harm.

March 3, 2017

New Bill In Senate Would Keep Vermont’s Energy Future Clean

by Sandy Levine

A new bill in Vermont’s Senate would put Vermont’s goal of getting 90% of our energy from renewable sources by 2050 into law.

Photo: Solar panel
March 2, 2017

Third Ocean Frontiers Film Highlights Ocean Management and the ‘Blue Economy’

by Aimee Bushman

  The crew that brought us Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship and Ocean Frontiers II: A New England Story for Sustaining the Sea is back with a third installment. This newest documentary showcases the progress of ocean management in the context of what it means to be responsible stewards… Continue reading Third Ocean Frontiers Film Highlights Ocean Management and the ‘Blue Economy’