June 30, 2017

Big Decision Issued on Solar in New Hampshire

by Melissa Birchard

A big decision on solar makes cuts to net metering in the Granite State, but creates a clean energy path with the potential to transform the state’s energy planning.

June 23, 2017

The Threat of Plastic Pollution

by Rebekah Weber

Last week, I gave a presentation on the pollutants that plague Lake Champlain. On one slide I focused on the negative impacts of microbeads – miniature plastic balls so tiny that they slip through wastewater treatment systems and wind up in our lakes (and rivers, streams, and ocean). Once in the water, microbeads don’t biodegrade… Continue reading The Threat of Plastic Pollution

June 23, 2017

Q&A on CLF’s Superior Court Win in the Invenergy Case

by Jerry Elmer

Since the Rhode Island Superior Court denied Invenergy’s motion to dismiss CLF’s lawsuit against the company, I have received lots of questions from CLF supporters asking questions about the ruling and what it means. Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions. Does the Judge’s ruling on June 20 mean that CLF won the… Continue reading Q&A on CLF’s Superior Court Win in the Invenergy Case

June 20, 2017

CLF Victory in Superior Court Case on Invenergy

by Jerry Elmer

On June 20, 2017, a Rhode Island Superior Court judge denied Invenergy’s Motion to Dismiss CLF’s lawsuit against the company. CLF’s Superior Court lawsuit asserts that the water contract between Invenergy and the Town of Johnston to supply water to Invenergy’s proposed power plant is illegal. This Superior Court case pertains to Invenergy, but is separate from… Continue reading CLF Victory in Superior Court Case on Invenergy

June 15, 2017

An Open Letter to Interior Secretary Zinke as He Visits New England

by Conservation Law Foundation

Dear Interior Secretary Zinke: Welcome to New England! We’re glad you’re visiting New England this week and hope you enjoyed your tour of the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. We treasure our national monuments and care deeply about the value they provide. You were able to experience the wondrous views of Mount Katahdin and… Continue reading An Open Letter to Interior Secretary Zinke as He Visits New England

June 14, 2017

Southbridge Residents Make It Clear: They Don’t Want Casella’s Polluting Landfill Any More

by Kirstie Pecci

Last night, residents of the central Massachusetts town of Southbridge delivered a major and unexpected blow to Casella Waste when they voted overwhelmingly to reject plans to expand the town’s landfill, which the company has operated for about fourteen years.

Vote No on Casella Landfill Sign
June 13, 2017

Restoration Efforts Bring Thousands of Native Fish Back to Maine’s Coastal Rivers

by Sean Mahoney

It’s that time of year when fish like alewives and blueback herring journey from the sea to their native fresh waters to spawn. As a keystone species, these fish, collectively known as river herring, play a critical role as building blocks in our coastal ecosystems. They are also important to the health of New England’s fisheries,… Continue reading Restoration Efforts Bring Thousands of Native Fish Back to Maine’s Coastal Rivers

June 13, 2017

Governor Sununu Abandons Granite State on Climate

by Melissa Birchard

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu says he stands by President Trump’s recent decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord. Adopted in 2015 by every nation other than Syria and Nicaragua, the historic climate accord sets non-binding carbon emission reduction goals for each country to meet by their own means. The accord’s… Continue reading Governor Sununu Abandons Granite State on Climate

Paris Climate Accord
June 9, 2017

Rhode Island Takes Action to Create a Food System for the People, the Environment, and the Economy

by Sumana Chintapalli

Rhode Island just took a historic step this past month with the launching of the state’s first comprehensive food strategy, a plan to grow and sustain markets for locally grown food for the good of communities, the environment, and the economy.

June 9, 2017

Corporate Neglect in MA: The Fight For Historic Canal Restoration in Lawrence

by Rafael Mares

The corporation responsible for the upkeep of the Lawrence canals neglected its responsibility to its community neighbors by allowing the canals to fall into decay and disrepair. The company’s obligation to keep the canals in good working order is also a legal one – it’s a requirement of the federal license it received to run its hydroelectric plant in 1978. It’s time they stop violating that license.

Photo: Lawrence MA Great Stone Dam