November 13, 2017

We Have an Opportunity to Build Stronger, Sustainable Fisheries for Future Generations

by Amanda Yanchury

The MSA has worked in rebuilding fish populations. Now, it should be strengthened to ensure we’re able to save and restore still-struggling species like the iconic Atlantic cod – before it’s too late.  Consider these three facts: New England’s commercial fisheries brought in $1.2 billion in revenue in 2012, up from $691 million in 2003… Continue reading We Have an Opportunity to Build Stronger, Sustainable Fisheries for Future Generations

November 8, 2017

Invenergy’s Contempt for Rhode Islanders on Full Display

by Bethany Kwoka

It’s been quite a season for Invenergy, from communities across Rhode Island having their voices silenced to new information confirming that New England doesn’t need Invenergy’s dirty power.

Proposed Invenergy plant faces powerful setbacks from our energy grid operator
November 8, 2017

We Need Real Solutions Now to End Toxic Pollution from New Hampshire Superfund Site

by Tom Irwin

Over the past year, high levels of toxic chemical pollution have been found in Berry’s Brook, near the Coakley Superfund Site in North Hampton, New Hampshire. While the N.H. Department of Environmental Services has recognized that the problem of pollution migrating from the site is unacceptable and must be addressed, the EPA – while committing… Continue reading We Need Real Solutions Now to End Toxic Pollution from New Hampshire Superfund Site

November 8, 2017

One Year Down: Fighting Back and Fighting On for New England

by Sean Mahoney

We’re not giving in. Yes, approaching a year after President’s Trump’s election, he seems intent on undermining decades of work to protect public health and the environment and fostering an ideology that denies and denigrates the basic facts of science. But we’ve been here before. In the 1970s, oil companies were intent on drilling for… Continue reading One Year Down: Fighting Back and Fighting On for New England

Photo: Shutterstock
November 7, 2017

No Looking Back: New England Leading the Way on Climate

by Greg Cunningham

A year after the election of Donald Trump, at least one thing is clear: New England is not buying into his nostalgia for an America we left behind a long time ago. Despite the President’s rhetoric, the end of the fossil fuel era has already begun. With the region’s last two coal plants sitting today… Continue reading No Looking Back: New England Leading the Way on Climate

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.
November 6, 2017

Landfills, Incinerators, and Waste Disposal: Not a Necessary Evil, Just Evil

by Kirstie Pecci

What if I told you that I wanted to build a facility in your town that would cost taxpayers a lot to construct, but create only a few low-quality jobs? Once operational, it would contaminate the air and groundwater and poison neighbors’ wells for decades. What’s more, this contamination would be largely ignored, and probably… Continue reading Landfills, Incinerators, and Waste Disposal: Not a Necessary Evil, Just Evil

November 6, 2017

A Rallying Cry for Clean Water

by Chris Kilian

We are faced with a federal administration that wants not only to halt decades of hard-fought progress on clean water but reverse them altogether. But today, the impacts on our public health from blue-green algae outbreaks and chemical pollution are as serious and urgent as ever. We cannot and will not stop fighting for clean water as a fundamental right for all Americans.

November 5, 2017

We’re Not Waiting for Trump’s Promised Infrastructure Investment

by Rafael Mares

If there was one issue where candidate Donald Trump seemed to offer a promise that both sides of the aisle could get behind, it was his vow to spend $1 trillion on public works over the next decade. It would be an investment, he said, in repairing and upgrading the nation’s transportation systems. Unlike the… Continue reading We’re Not Waiting for Trump’s Promised Infrastructure Investment

November 2, 2017

Unwanted Invenergy Power Plant Dealt Another Blow

by Jerry Elmer

In Brief New England’s regional grid operator has disqualified Invenergy from participating in its upcoming annual energy auction, in which power generators bid to supply the energy the region will use three years from now. This shows that even those who operate our electricity grid don’t think New England needs this fossil fuel power plant.… Continue reading Unwanted Invenergy Power Plant Dealt Another Blow

November 2, 2017

CLF Sues Vermont Agency for Letting Towns Dump More Pollution into Lake Champlain

by Elena Mihaly

Vermonters see firsthand the disastrous impacts of too much phosphorus pouring into Lake Champlain when favorite swimming beaches close and toxic blue-green algae coats portions of the lake in a stinky slime. So why does the state Agency of Natural Resources want to let towns dump more phosphorus pollution into the lake?

Algae blooms phosphorus pollution