December 21, 2018

Endangering Everett

by Chloe Fross

Along the banks of the Mystic River lies a huge petroleum storage terminal. Belonging to corporate giant ExxonMobil, the Everett Terminal borders the Island End and Mystic rivers on one side – and family homes on the other. ExxonMobil is putting both at risk.

December 19, 2018

From Coal Plant to Clean Energy Center: The Evolution of Brayton Point

by Alyssa Rayman-Read

Brayton Point Station used to be piled high with dirty coal. But today, it’s in the midst of transforming into a clean energy hub for New England.

Former coal plant Brayton Point is transforming into a clean energy commerce center
December 14, 2018

Creating a Plastic-Free New England

by Kirstie Pecci

It’s time to take New England’s work reducing plastic pollution to the next level. CLF’s Zero Waste Project is launching our campaign to ban single-use plastic bags in all six New England states to create less pollution, cleaner coastlines, and healthier communities for all.

Plastic bag pollution
December 13, 2018

Using Batteries to Power Your Home and Fight Climate Change

by Melissa Birchard

New England is getting more and more of its power from local clean energy sources like rooftop solar and wind. Not only does this lower our climate-damaging emissions, it’s also spurring innovation as groups in both the public and private sector work creatively to take control of our energy future. Among these new, exciting innovations… Continue reading Using Batteries to Power Your Home and Fight Climate Change

battery storage programs will save families money and fight climate change
December 12, 2018

The News about Our Climate Isn’t Good – But the Fight is Far from Over

by Bradley Campbell

Heat waves and flooding are putting New England’s people, environment, and economy at risk. Aging infrastructure is increasingly stressed from sea level rise and bigger storms. Our farmers face challenges from shifting growing seasons. Atlantic cod – already dwindling  – will disappear and lobster will move out of reach of New England fishermen as waters warm.… Continue reading The News about Our Climate Isn’t Good – But the Fight is Far from Over

December 11, 2018

Polluted Runoff is Putting Rhode Island Waters at Risk

by James Crowley

Stormwater pollution is making Rhode Island waters unsafe for swimming, fishing, and boating. CLF is asking the state’s Department of Environmental Protection to hold polluters accountable for their runoff.

December 10, 2018

North Atlantic Right Whales are at the End of Their Rope. Protections Can’t Wait.

by Erica Fuller

With a new estimate of fewer than 408 North Atlantic right whales, it’s even more critical to get new ropeless fishing gear in the water as soon as possible to prevent the entanglements that are killing our endangered whales.

right whales
December 10, 2018

Cape Cod Community Looks to Punt Responsibility for Water Pollution

by Chris Kilian

A battle underway in Barnstable could have serious repercussions for the health of Cape Cod’s waters.

December 5, 2018

A People’s Guide for the People’s Harbor

by Victoria Wu

CLF’s “People’s Guide to the Public Waterfront Act” gives you the tools to access and enjoy the public Boston Harbor and other waterfront areas in the state. It demystifies the complex regulations that some developers have exploited made it look like their public land is only for private use.

December 5, 2018

New Governor Could Make Maine a Climate Leader

by Emily Green

With the election of Attorney General Janet Mills, Maine has the chance to reverse the harmful LePage administration anti-environment policies and commit to a broad framework for tackling climate change.

Maine Statehouse.