October 9, 2018

Unwanted Invenergy Plant Faces Powerful Setbacks

by Jerry Elmer

In an unprecedented display of no confidence, our energy grid operator terminated its legal relationship with Invenergy. It’s yet another nail in the coffin on this unneeded, unwanted, fracked-gas power plant.

Proposed Invenergy plant faces powerful setbacks from our energy grid operator
October 4, 2018

Landmark Law Leads to Climate Victory in Massachusetts

by David Ismay

CLF dismissed three appeals challenging the permits for two new gas-fired power plants after Massachusetts’ highest court reaffirmed that lowering climate-damaging emissions is the law of the land in the Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth took another step towards lowering its climate-damaging emissions
October 3, 2018

New Stormwater Regulations Could Clean Up Vermont’s Waters

by Elena Mihaly

Pollution from stormwater runoff is one of the biggest threats to clean water in New England. A new permitting rule could improve stormwater pollution in Vermont.

Stormwater pollution
October 1, 2018

People “Pitch a Blanket” to Claim Public Space on Boston Waterfront

by Deanna Moran

Public space is about people feeling welcome to use it. CLFs Pitch A Blanket event was a reminder that meaningful public access to the water – not just token spaces – are essential for the city to come to life.  

September 25, 2018

Counting Down the Weeks to Election Day 2018

by Sean Mahoney

As we head into election season this November, it’s on us to hold New England’s elected representatives to a higher standard on their commitment to the environment.

September 24, 2018

A Tale of Two Portlands

by Sean Mahoney

South Portland, Maine, and Portland, Oregon, are just two of the most recent cities to take a stand against Big Oil and new fossil fuel infrastructure.

September 20, 2018

Hurricane María: My Story

by Rohemir Ramirez

After surviving the unprecedented destruction Hurricane María brought to Puerto Rico, CLF staff attorney Rohemir Ramirez asks if New England is ready for the record-breaking weather climate change will bring.

September 15, 2018

More Good News for Public Access in Everett

by Deanna Moran

October 15, 2018: In September, National Grid appealed MassDEP’s written determination requiring them to build a public pathway on their land. CLF – in partnership with Mystic River Watershed Association and Friends of the Malden River – filed a motion to participate in the proceeding. We support MassDEP’s decision and want to ensure that our members… Continue reading More Good News for Public Access in Everett

September 14, 2018

Five Ways Cities and Towns Can Slash Trash and Fight Climate Change

by Kirstie Pecci

The Global Climate Action Summit is underway in San Francisco, California. Leaders from across the country – including CLF’s President, Bradley Campbell – and the globe have gathered to exchange ideas about how we can address the most pressing issue of our time: climate change. The Summit is also challenging cities and towns around the… Continue reading Five Ways Cities and Towns Can Slash Trash and Fight Climate Change

Recycling is just one way to build sustainable communities
September 14, 2018

Federal Farm Bill Could Harm New Englanders

by Sara Dewey

Our elected officials in Washington, D.C., are currently making big decisions about the future of farm and food policy in our country – and it matters for all of us. We need you to speak up for the Farm Bill to ensure that it helps, rather than harms, New England’s farmers.